some people contacted me regarding the c02 diffuser i used on my 29 gallon tank. It was an authentic Amano c02 Diffuser but you can find them for less that do pretty much the same thing. How it works is that you determine the amount of c02 going into your tank by the bubble count. This is just a really fancy way to count bubbles as the bubble will twirl upwards before going into the tank. It’s actually pretty cool. reminds me of watching the jaw-breaker roll around and around before i can get it from those candy stands. Specs: When Rhinox counter is setup, the bubbles will roll upwards along the coil. When they eventually escapes from the coil, you can count the number of bubbles per second to estimate on the Co2 injection rate. Compatible with pressurized Co2 tanks & DIY yeast bottles Size: 1 inch diameter, 5 inches height |
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