Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

A World With No Pets….

Received an important email today from our sponsor ThatFishPlace that I thought I would share with you all. Here’s what it says…

Attention Pet Owners
What would the world be like without pets? A new bill proposed in the House could make this a reality. All pet owners should be aware of a pending federal government resolution. House Resolution 669 is designed to change the way the government classifies animals available in the pet trade. If passed into law it will severely impact keeping pets in America and could destroy the pet industry as we know it. HR699 would make it illegal to buy, sell and breed animals not native to the United Sates. This includes most species of tropical fish, ferrets, most reptile and amphibian species, corals, and many others. Though That Fish Place/That Pet Place is in favor of an effective invasive species law, we are convinced this is absolutely not the legislation to accomplish that. Please visit our blog to find out more and learn what you can do to help prevent this legislation from being passed.

You can join in on the discussion at our forum also.