Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

Cappuccino Coast: The day the Pacific was whipped up

Foam swallowed an entire beach and half the nearby buildings, including the local lifeguards’ centre, in a freak display of nature at Yamba in New South Wales. One minute a group of teenage surfers were waiting to catch a wave, the next they were swallowed up in a giant bubble bath. The foam was so light that they could puff it out of their hands and watch it float away.

It stretched for 30 miles out into the Pacific in a phenomenon not seen at the beach for more than three decades. Scientists explain that the foam is created by impurities in the ocean, such as salts, chemicals, dead plants, decomposed fish and excretions from seaweed.

okay….so those who keep reef tanks…know that when you have alot of impurities in your tank (gunk and etc) a skimmer removes it from the tank. What does the skimmer produce? FOAM.. foam just like the kids are playing in. i dread cleaning out my skimmate cup…can’t imagine swimming and playing around in it.