TANKED is Looking for Fish Tank Fanatics!!
Have you always dreamed of having a customized fish tank in your home or business?
Would you like to upgrade your tank or make it incredibly unique?
You could get your dream tank made by one of the best aquarium builders in the nation — and share your dream tank story on Animal Planet’s hit new show TANKED! In order to qualify, you must already be looking to buy and install a tank between November 2011 and March 2012. We’ll help turn an ordinary design into a spectacular creation. If you live in Las Vegas, that’s a plus, but all submissions welcome!
To learn more about Tanked, visit: http://animal.discovery.com/tv/tanked/
To apply, tell them about your dream tank at our casting page: http://www.nancyglassproductions.com/casting_central/tanked.php
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