Curing live Rock

Feb 25, 2006

I need some information and or advice about curing live rock. I have just purchased 50 lbs of live rock from Fiji through a store on the internet. The rock arrived in good shape and I am in the process of curing it as per the instructions sent with the live rock. The information I received about cleaning the rock mentions using a brush to clean off the white material on the rock. My questions involves the procedure for removal of things (which I don't know how to describe other than to say they look like moss, alge or etc.) still attached to the rock. I have also done the salt wash with higher specific gravity to remove any unwanted guest.

Q. How often should this be done
Q. Do I also remove other materials that are attached to the rock which is not white.
Q. Also is it best to take the rock out of the tank to clean it or clean it in the tank.
Q. How long does it usually take for the live rock to lose its odor.

Thanks ,

Roger Clark


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
um, Ram man that is incorrect...he should scrub it and wash it, in small tanks it isnt necessary but when you have large amounts of Live rock it helps along the cycle to get rid of the sponges that are dead/dying, scrub with a brush and salt it outside the tank in a bucket. Scrubing will help with the odor.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
More to the point most any macro that has come thro' transport will likely be on the way out anyway. Get it all off, and let fresh grwo from spores that are left (there will be many).
Q. How often should this be done <quite often initially... maybe even once a day. Depends on the rock tho'>>
Q. Do I also remove other materials that are attached to the rock which is not white. <<I likely wouldn't unless they're obviously dead, dying>>
Q. Also is it best to take the rock out of the tank to clean it or clean it in the tank. <<Do it in a bucket, pot of saltwater>>>
Q. How long does it usually take for the live rock to lose its odor.<<Depends on how 'good' you are at cleaning it. If you take rammans approach , and just leave it to rot out at it's own rate in high ammonia, organics water it'll take longer, and you'll be left with less.>>


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
okay, i have a dumb dumb question about LR (sorry for hijacking), but if it's cured, then how do the little critters that appear when it's plunked into the show tank appear? corals sting? lol, I'm weary about touching LR with my bare hands, and will be buying some very large gloves..... even if they don't sting... EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeegggggww.w....cannot touch coral.

anyhoo...thanks in advance to whomever answers...


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well curing just means that things are n't obviously dying on/in the rock anymore - it doesn't mean you kill everything on the rock - the point is to keep as many of the things alive as is possible.

And yes many corals will sting, some will burn and some are horribly toxic so gloves are a very good idea.

Feb 25, 2006
Live rock advice

Hi Wayne,

Thank you for the good advice.

Roger Clark
wayne said:
More to the point most any macro that has come thro' transport will likely be on the way out anyway. Get it all off, and let fresh grwo from spores that are left (there will be many).
Q. How often should this be done <quite often initially... maybe even once a day. Depends on the rock tho'>>
Q. Do I also remove other materials that are attached to the rock which is not white. <<I likely wouldn't unless they're obviously dead, dying>>
Q. Also is it best to take the rock out of the tank to clean it or clean it in the tank. <<Do it in a bucket, pot of saltwater>>>
Q. How long does it usually take for the live rock to lose its odor.<<Depends on how 'good' you are at cleaning it. If you take rammans approach , and just leave it to rot out at it's own rate in high ammonia, organics water it'll take longer, and you'll be left with less.>>

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
May 6, 2009
Here are two pictures of the live rock I just got on Friday and am in the process of curing. I sure hope it comes out good. Comments welcome. I am using the method from and the method from ,"The new marine aquarium". I'm kind of mixing them together.
I'm sorry Joe Fish but your images are not coming up. Can you repost a link that works?