Fish for a 10 gallon tank

Mkays, well I told my brother once his goldfish dies, I would like my 10 gallon tank back.
His goldfish isn't doing well, so I want to plan ahead, and figure out some good fish for a 10 gallon.

I don't really want to get any Neons/Cardinal tetras, unless I have too, since I have them in my 20 gallon already.

The lighting sucks, so there will be NO live plants, just plastic.

Thanks in advance to anyone that helps.

[EDIT] Here are my water parametres if it helps
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
pH- 7
GH/KH- 10/5

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The nitrates right now are higher then they would ever be. I would be doing weekly water changes.
This may sound REALLY mean, but I am killing my brothers goldfish. I told him everything about the tank, he had to do himself, and I wasn't going to remind him to do anything for it. So he hasn't done a water in three weeks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Why don't you take the goldfish back to the lfs rather than killing it? Your allowing it to suffocate in its own feces, which I find pretty awful. How would you like to have to sit in a bathtub for weeks without being allowed to move, and no one to help you clean it out???? It isn't the goldfish's fault that your brother doesn't know how to take care of it.

And I won't recommend any stocking options either because that would mean that I agree with what you are doing and I don't.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Why don't you take the goldfish back to the lfs rather than killing it? Your allowing it to suffocate in its own feces, which I find pretty awful. How would you like to have to sit in a bathtub for weeks without being allowed to move, and no one to help you clean it out???? It isn't the goldfish's fault that your brother doesn't know how to take care of it.

And I won't recommend any stocking options either because that would mean that I agree with what you are doing and I don't.
Missy, when did this become your brothers fish? I am guessing this is the sameone you were looking for tankmates for that you rescued in this thread, seems it wasnt much of a rescue if now your letting it die. I personally dont care but if your going to kill it off just kill the damn thing and move on.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I too think this is rather harsh. I would never condone someone killing another living thing out of spite. You can simply take it out, bag it up, and take it back to the LFS, then tell your brother it jumped out and dried up on the floor, etc etc. Problem solved. Killing something or letting it die when you can do something to help is pretty low IMO, no matter what it is.

Sweet a new tank!!! I would definitely put cories in there. Hmmm. Fake plants...ugh. You already have gouramis so you probably don't want any more right?

Maybe a betta? If so, I would get a couple females, cuz if you get a male, then you can't put any other bettas in there. Plus I've noticed my male bettas are more aggressive than my female. (Finfin nips at my otos a lot)


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Okay, I have decided on what I am going to get. I am going to get 1 honey gourami, a few otos, and some corys.
I will be getting two 5g later (one is a QT), and I will get 1 Dwarf Puffer, and some otos.
Don't the honey's get a little too big for a 10G? Maybe you could look at the dwarf gouramis instead?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Ah! Another case of mislabled fish at the fish shop then! The ones labeled 'honey' there looked larger. It totally wouldn't be the first time though!

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Ah! Another case of mislabled fish at the fish shop then! The ones labeled 'honey' there looked larger.
That's what was happening at my LFS
They had Hillstream Loaches marked as Butterfly Pleco, And the Gold Gourami Marked as Honey Gouramis, and Honey Gouramis marked as Gold Gouramis. But, I corrected them. Here is a link if you would like more info! ^_^
I find them as the cutest little thngs ever.

Honey Gourami, Trichogaster chuna, Syn: Colisa Chuna, Family: Osphronemidae, Subfamily: Luciocephalinae