Foxface needs help! =/


Small Fish
Jul 9, 2008
I was informed by my roommate this morning that when he woke up my foxface was attached to the inlet of my waterfiler. He unplugged it and the foxface swam away. however, i've been carefully monitoring it for the last 4 hours. he is alive, and swims, but almost seems like he is having swimbladder problems. he is facing up (not upside down) almost like he lost control of his anal fins. And his color keeps laternating between the brilliant yellow he has and dark black spots. i dont know if i should wait it out longer, of if it is the right thing to remove him and kill him so he doesn't suffer. if anyone could help i would very much appreciate it. thank you... =/ :confused:


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Are all the water parameters OK? Any recent changes in the tank?

I can't really offer much advice on how to treat him. It sounds like he may be on his way out :( Foxfaces always have strage coloration when they're stressed. Sometimes they go completely gray and white.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Thats Lotus, thinking out side of the box. The Foxface was most likely sick already or wouldnt have gotten stuck. I wouldn't have thought of that. Along those same lines "thinking outside of the box" this was posted in another and is kinda funny. A guy posted that he had just bought a used tank and that when he got it home and filled it up with water that it had several scratches in the tank and he wanted to know if there was any way to get the scratches out of the tank and if he would have to drain the water out of the tank to do it. The first reply he had was, he would have to replace the glass on the front of the tank and that he "should drain the water before attempting that" lol, after several more post giving him advice, this guy says why don't you just turn the tank around and make the back the front, no one had thought of that, lol, thats outside of the box. The man whos tank it was said that although that was a good idea he couldn't because the tank had two over flow boxes in the tank. I didn't post this but I thought later, why can't you just move the over flow boxes to the new back corners of the tank, and drill two holes in the bottom sides of the overflow boxes and run you pvc drain pipe over to your old drain holes then cover up the pvc with LR. I didnt post that because I am sure there is something wrong with that idea as with most of my ideas. :rolleyes: