Go Ahead and say it


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I told you so, lol :mad: The Kline Butterfly is doing a number on my Zoas & Polys. My Yellow Tang, for the most part keeps the Kline confined to the left side of the tank and those are the frags that are being affected most, so I took all the frags I had on that side of the tank and placed them in my frag tray and all the others that wouldn't fit in the tray I placed on the right side of the tank. I have been trying to catch him for two hours and that just ain't happining. Unless ya'll have a better idea, I think I am going to have to take out most of the Live Rock on the left side of the tank and then try and trap him over there where I can get a net on him. I have a large piece of the plastic square graiting I used to make my frag tray out of and I am going to cut a piece that I can use as a divider in the tank. Then get the fish on the left side of the tank, and then as fast as I can put the divider up and then try and net him. I can't come up with a better idea, that is unless I can get the LFS man over here and let him do it. Hes the one that talked me into getting this ^%$# fish because he couldn't get the Peppermint shrimp in for me. But I guess I really can't blame him, ya'll told me not to do it and to get the shrimp, so I knew better.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
He hasn't really destroyed the frags yet, some are worse than others but they still have polyps on them, they just aren't opening. The good thing is all my $$$$ frags were on the right side of the tank, the ones not bothered at this time. I am going to try and catch hin Sunday on my day off.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
LOL The thing that really makes me mad is that ya'll know I didn't want to get this fish but the aiptisia was taking over me tank and I had to something, and I just couldn't get the Peppermint shrimp. Another fish store in Mobile Alabama has got me three shrimp in and I will go over there next week and pick them up.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
No I haven't tried it yet. These things are Really a pain. I have so much LR in the tank there are a bunch that I can't get to. The problem is slacking off for now. I don't know if the Kline is getting some of them or not. There are some that I can see in the tank that I can't reach unless I move a few pieces of the big LR but I know the Kline can reach them and he hasn't gotten to those yet.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
stop being lazy and take those rocks out of the water and put a dab of kalk paste and watch them shrivel away! :p seriously tho you should give it a shot... i had a ton of aptasia in my old 10g nano and i thru in 3 pepermint and luckily a week later it was all gone and im talkin at least 30 aptasias! on the other hand ive had one here and there on and off in my 125g and have always been able to keep them in check before getting anywhere near outa hand with kalk... lol when i first got aptasia i was all excited! i was actually bragging to the guys at the lfs who them explained how they sting corals and multiply ect. that when i bought the 3 peppermints ;)

btw ive heard lemon juice works too and ive even tried it but IME the aptasia would shrivel away but come back a week later

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I tried vinegar, and it didn't work form me. They just came back.

I've been using Aptaisia X, and I've also used the Blue Zoo brand stuff. They've been OK, but I think all you can get is "control," not eradication. You just have to keep at it whenever you see one pop up. I have a 15g full of them that I'm going to break down. I only have a few in my 10g and 125g, and it's more or less under control.

When I had peppermint shrimp (I didn't have aptaisia at that point), they'd attack LPS when I first added them, and would steal food from the corals.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well, the Kline is out and is history. It took the wife and I two hours to get him, and another hour to clean up the mess. We had to take every piece of live rock out of the tank except four large pieces that we couldn't get out unless we took the canopy off, we also had to take almost half the water out of the tank. I had just about every zoa and polyp frag out of the tank and hope that it didn't kill them. The water in the tank is a mess and the skimmer is working over time. Other than that I am having a pretty nice evening.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Joe's juice is much the same as kalk paste.....kalk is cheap and you just feed it to the polyp as you do the joe's juice.

good luck, I have tried removing fish and it isn't easy the only easy ones are clown fish and then only because they think you are feeding them and they swim slow.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well, I had most of the day off today and got the tank reaqua scaped and all the frags reglued in the tank. To be honest with you the tank looks better now than it did with my old aquascapping job. The fish have more room in the caves, which needed done as they were getting bigger and needed more room to hide in. Most of the zoas & polys are doing good, my X Men haven't opened up yet and I am hopeing they will in a day or two. The Nightmares are half open and half closed, they were doing good up until the Kline BF, I have had bad luck with them in the past, they seem for me, that if you get them growing, don't mess with them. But anyway have the tank back to normal from the Kline Butterfly fish and will give the LFS a piece of my mind when I go get fish food the next time, lol.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Well, I had most of the day off today and got the tank reaqua scaped and all the frags reglued in the tank. To be honest with you the tank looks better now than it did with my old aquascapping job. The fish have more room in the caves, which needed done as they were getting bigger and needed more room to hide in. Most of the zoas & polys are doing good, my X Men haven't opened up yet and I am hopeing they will in a day or two. The Nightmares are half open and half closed, they were doing good up until the Kline BF, I have had bad luck with them in the past, they seem for me, that if you get them growing, don't mess with them. But anyway have the tank back to normal from the Kline Butterfly fish and will give the LFS a piece of my mind when I go get fish food the next time, lol.
How's your hornets doing?


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The Hornets appear fine, a few of the small polyps aren't open but the bigger ones are and the over all apperance of the polyps looks good, we will just have to wait it out and see what happens. I lost one of my shooms maybe two and the third one looks ok.


New Fish
May 6, 2009
Try a copper band, i had a terribale problem with apistia (close to a thousand at lest) when i bought some used live rock that came covered in it. Two weeks with the copperband and you would have to spend a lot of time looking for one now.