Setting up a planted aquarium

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
yeah i agree with newman. my java fern once it acclimated to my tank (which took about a week) it started shooting off new plants everywhere. ive had my java fern for about 4 weeks now and have quadrupeled the amount that i have and they are growing quite quickly. one thing interesting about java fern is when the leaf dies a new plant shoots off at that dead spot


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2009
yeah i agree with newman. my java fern once it acclimated to my tank (which took about a week) it started shooting off new plants everywhere. ive had my java fern for about 4 weeks now and have quadrupeled the amount that i have and they are growing quite quickly. one thing interesting about java fern is when the leaf dies a new plant shoots off at that dead spot
I have some Java Fern in my tank as well. I've had it for about 2 weeks I think, and there are fernlets developing under the larger leaves everywhere. Additionally, there are always new leaves sprouting from the roots as well. I keep the roots exposed mostly. It seems to be growing quite well, and my small fish love seem to like to hang around it a lot.


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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Thanks for the advice and comments *twirlysmi

We now have the airpump set up, with two airstones, one on either side of the tank, near the bog wood. Looks better each day *SUNSMILE*

We went to one of our local shops for some airline, and a tanks they have set up has these plants in, I asked how much, he said £7 each. Now, I wonder what you get for £7, as the plants are kind of in clusters, some are single new growths, others are more dense. We love the look and colour of these, and wondered what they were called, as they weren't on the shops ID poster for plants :rolleyes:

Do you think they'd do ok in our tank without co2?



Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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Ok, we had the tank set up for a week, then OH decided he wanted to do a fish in cycle.
He added 5 Mollies a week ago. We bought a test kit today and tested the water, results as follows:

ammo = 1.0 ppm
Nitrite = 0.50 ppm
Nitrate = 10 ppm
PH = 6.8

I need to be getting that PH up do I? Should it be around 7.4?

Also, what should the other readings be in a fully cycled tank?

Feb 27, 2009
Ah, so would we be better without the air pump?

I'll try and fix the pic for a close up.

What do you think of the test results so far?
I would never use an air pump in a planted tank, other than if I was having problems with a CO2 injection to run the airstones at night only (when the plants are in the dark and no longer producing oxygen).

I would get ready to do a water change if you are showing ammonia and nitrites. Might wait for others to chime in about levels, but at ammonia of 1, I would do a 25% water change. I normally do 'silent cycles' so no need for the normal nitrogen cycle, so I cannot advise.

Feb 27, 2009
Is this any better? Not much good with technical stuff :eek:
I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like it could be Pogostemon helferi. If so, they are a heavy root feeder and would do best with root tabs as they progress. They like 3watts per gallon lighting too and some CO2 (DIY or a liquid source is ok).


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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Thanks for the plant ID. Much appreciated.

I shall disconnect the air pump tomorrow, and do a 25% water change. Need to get some plants out too, not faring well, the ferns are ok, it's the yellow one and the grass ones, but this was expected.


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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This morning I did the 25% water change. I also removed the airstones, I personally think the tank looks better without anyway.
I moved plants around a little. I had a fern with really fat tall leaves, that I had in the substrate. It wasn't doing well, leaves turning bron at the tips, so I have gotten more bogwood and moved that fern onto a piece. It might help.
I took some of the new growth on one of the ferns and rubber banded it to more wood. And I seperated the Anubias(they were two smaller plants banded together) and put them on their of piece of wood. And also a scrap of java moss I talked the LFS into scooping accidently into the bag when we bought the mollies LOL.

Now, sonce the water is stiller without the bubbles, and I've moved plats around, I see we have a nice little family of black Molly fry. About 8 I counted. I think maybe I should leave them in? Since there are plenty hiding spots, and they seem to be doing well by themselves. What do you think.

And besides, I think catching them will be a nightmare LOL.

Thanks for listening, I can go on a bit :D


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
Hey tramca,
Just so you know, I finally pulled my finger out and did the DIY Co2 for my tank the other day. It was really easy and cost me like $3AUD. You mise well do it for this tank. Only takes 10 mins to set-up.


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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Yeah, I want to do the DIY co2, it takes minutes to set up, but since it's my OH's tank, and he doesn't want to be bothered by all that :rolleyes: I told him I'd set it up and everything an explained how quick and easy it is, and beneficial, he said no, doesn't want co2. *shrug* what cn I do.
Thank's for the input though, much appreciated. I guess I'll see how the tank goes, and maybe coax him LOL


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
or you can do it yourself once OH isnt there and hide the bottle behind the stand lol.
the biggest PITA about the diy co2 is replacing the reactor every annoying after about the 7th time you do it...ive been procrastinating on replacing the 2 reactors for my 40 gal...co2 output is minimal and algae outbreaks everywhere...guess i have to do it today >_> such a drag...
ye i know i whine about co2 a lot :p

Brownish leaves and spots on java fern is normal. youll likely see baby ferns growing on that leaf if you look close. to give you an idea heres my original java:


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Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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That I could.......LOL.

Well now the ferns on the woodso it should root. The anubia needed a firm tug to take it off the wood it was on to go on another piece I had.

One of my ferns is doing really well, producing new plants, which I have tied to more wood LOL. Fingers crossed they grow!


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
Yeah, I want to do the DIY co2, it takes minutes to set up, but since it's my OH's tank, and he doesn't want to be bothered by all that :rolleyes: I told him I'd set it up and everything an explained how quick and easy it is, and beneficial, he said no, doesn't want co2. *shrug* what cn I do.
Thank's for the input though, much appreciated. I guess I'll see how the tank goes, and maybe coax him LOL
Do what Newman said. What OH doesn't know, won't hurt him :p
Btw what the heck does OH stand for? all I can come up with is Old I'm guessing that aint it.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Btw what the heck does OH stand for? all I can come up with is Old I'm guessing that aint it.
Thank you I was wondering the same thing..

Anyway maybe i missed it but a 200L is around 52.8 gallons so DIY is "technically" to small for this type of setup but wouldnt hurt to try.

Now one thing that drives me crazy about these forums is as soon as someone talks about a planted setup it always the same things you NEED. Why do you need that expensive substrate, why do you need bottled ferts, and why do you need CO2? I will tell you why because they read the same thing here and elsewhere and dont think outside of the box or try different things themselves. I am posting a link of my FIRST planted tank, I have done the opposite of everything posted here exept lighting you have to have good lighting but we can discuss that later if you want. My entire setup cost less than $100 including the $60 driftwood and the plants.

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