Emmanuel's 100g Tank


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I'm not entirely sure what kind, either pigeon snake skin or red turquoise. They're 5 for $60USD or 10 for $100. The guy bought the parents from the discus guy I go to (well his lfs).

I was a bit skeptical about getting them, since they're juvies and I've read about how difficult they can be, as you've said. I figured I'd give them a try anyway. I'll never get anywhere if I'm too afraid to try. ;)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
That's a good price! The most frequent problems I came across were internal, either with sunken stomachs or refusing to eat. Made it a lot more difficult considering my LFS never told me what they fed them before selling so a lot of the time it was pot luck! Good luck though, they do grow fairly quickly when young, I had a gorgeous pair of pigeonbloods a few years back before I had to dismantle my tank. Other than that, I've kept red turqs, blue turqs, browns, blue diamond, red marlboros, but to name a few. I guess my favourites are red turqs and browns, I have a thing for natural colours and they're the closest I can get to the natural form of discus without blowing my budget by going wild!

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
We actually got discus in at Petco once... We kept them in our planted tank section, so there were about 3 2" discus in 100+ gallons of water (fully planted)... they were only $25 and I fed them bloodworms... They sold really quickly.

Besides going to major stores where they have breeding pairs and you can see the fry feeding on the adult slime, thats my only experience with juvie discus....


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I have a ton of New Life Spectrum cichlid growth food... I'm hoping they'll eat that, with an occasional thawed out cube of bloodworms and/or maybe brine shrimp once a week. Not to mention, all the other regular fish food I still have...

I've seen them for $15 before. I almost got a group then. Good thing I waited, I suppose.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
The current stocking is:

10 juvy discus
3x angelfish (about 3")
5 bn plecos (2 albinos, 4 of them 1" and one of them 3")
2 german rams
5 bolivian rams
30? neon and green neon tetras
2 female bettas

I'm secretly hoping the tetras get eaten by the angels and discus, they're more annoying than anything now. It's hard for the rams to eat b/c of them, I have to drop food that sinks on one side of the aquarium as they eat floating pellets on the other. I'll probably be getting rid of them by the summer, at the latest. They're going to be a pain to catch.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Alright, I took some photos with my phone, so they'll be a bit blurry but do the trick. I feel like my discus grew a bit during 1 day! I've fed frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp, it took them a bit to start eating, but they seem to prefer the bloodworms. I had to feed a lot just so they could get some food, thanks to the greedy tetras. I can't wait to get rid of them!



Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
*drumroll* I always deliver! ;) Haha.

I've never hated tetras so much. They used to be favorite fish of mine... until they got too greedy and are at the point of exploding from eating so much... while all my other fish have sunken in bellies from not eating enough. My rams finally had full bellies last night.

If I had kordon breather bags, I'd send them to you for cost of shipping (good thing for flat rate boxes). I'll see if I can order some on the cheap, actually.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I'm not entirely sure what my temperature is for the tank... I have 4 heaters running on it, all on high (3 are meant for 10g tanks, and one for 60g tanks). I have 2 coralife digital thermometers on there, and I'm getting two different readings. One reads 84.5F, and the other reads 79.8F... Considering how warm it really feels, I'm inclined to say it's in the 80s. I'm going to get a regular thermometer in order to see which one is closer to being correct.

I feel like these guys are growing before my very eyes. There's at least three that look much bigger than the others. They're also the ones that eat the most. I'm thinking that three waterchanges a week would be better. I've told myself that wed & fri are 10-25% w/c, and sundays are the 50% w/c days.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I'll be heading to either petco or petsmart after work to get a regular thermometer. They may not be accurate to the tenth of a degree, but they (theoretically) shouldn't give me a 5 degree variation...

I'm also going to buy more bloodworms. I've got the discus also eating some New Life Spectrum cichlid growth food. They go crazy for the frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp, more so the bloodworms. I'll start to wean them off of them once they're more mature and can eat some of the bigger foods.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Finally got confirmation that my water temperature is in fact 84F. I'd like to bump it up another degree or two... but my heaters are at full capacity.

In the quest for a thermometer (apparently PetSmart is always out of stock with the regular ones, but fully stocked on the sticker ones), I found some frozen beef-heart that I thought I'd feed my discus, since the guy I got them from fed them beef-heart, and from what I've been told by countless discus keepers, it promotes growth... I fed it alongside some frozen brine shrimp... The brine shrimp was hunted down in seconds. The beef-heart, not so much. The only ones that ate some of it were the rams, and a few of the discus. Considering how I have 60 cubes of it... they're getting beef-heart twice a day alongside either brine shrimp or bloodworms.

The frozen foods have definitely brought out better colors in my rams, angels and the discus... it however, has turned the rams and angels very aggressive... they killed one of my angels. :( At least it wasn't the koi, he's gorgeous!

In other news... someone else in town was selling some discus b/c they were getting wild-caught discus... They were actually the ones I was originally going to buy. They're much older and bigger. Since I was the only one who showed interest in them, he practically gave them to me (in terms of discus "money")... so on top of the 10 pigeon snake juvies, I have 2 more blue colbalts, and 2 blood pigeons(?). I'll have to take pictures. Since I have so many of them... I'm going to get rid of all the neons asap, and possibly the younger of the bolivian rams, leaving me with the discus, two bolivians and two german rams, two angels, and the bn plecos. As the bn plecos mature (and I find it easier to catch them), I'll move two of them into my 29g. I'll probably sell a few of the pigeon snake juvies once they're bigger as well to bring my count down to either 8 or 10.

Anywho, time for water change. It seems I may be doing one each day now.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
People wanted pictures, so I'm giving pictures. Prepare for picture overload!!! :D

Let's start with a picture of the tank as it stands now. Some plants need to fill in more.

Left side... you get a preview of some of my discus here.


Right side.

Angelfish. It's grown so much. It was about 1.5" when I got it.

Another one. He's such a great looking koi angelfish, IMO.

The other angel. I like the vertical stripes. You get a preview of one of the juvy discus. It's almost 1.5"

Now on to the discus! I can has bloodworms burger?

Another juvy discus looking for some more grub. The bigger of the juvy discus have taken a liking to the beefheart now.



Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Another of the larger juvy discus.

More juvy discus. I like the vertical bars on the second one.

Probably my favorite, and biggest, of the juvy discus

I seez yuuu!

Which brings me to my favorite of the discus! The Red Melons!!! You can get a rough estimate of their size by looking at the full tank shots.

I love you red melon discus!