biggest thread on this website


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
im sure we can talk about it here, since we can post anything to make this the longest thread on the forum (competing with the longest thread thats in the lounge section lol)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Okay, so besides my questioning in the PM, what about activated charcoal removing nitrates or at least some. Seems it is a very interesting (and complicated subject) I just spent over an hour "Googling" without reaching a conclusion. Oh yes, and I also ran across a thread on Fishlore about using vodka. That does have some reliable research, but I believe it is all saltwater related.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Random question to keep the thread going:

I'm contemplating making a 3D foam backdrop for my tank. I know its possible to hide things behind them, and I plan to hide my HOB filter intake, my powerhead, and my heater. How do you hide a heater? It seems like it wouldn't heat much if it was encased in styrofoam, concrete and/or resin...


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Wouldn't the backdrop be tight against the back? I do not visualize how you could hide anything behind it without leaving space - and therefore losing quite a bit of room in your tank. I saw the plans for the background that was being built a couple of months ago, but I didn't think about the filter - seems like you would have to put the heater on the end and have the type of filter that goes in the cabinet underneath.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I think most of the 3D builds I've been looking at have been for canister filters, but that still leaves the question of the heater.

This guy and this guy seem to be leaving room for an HOB, a powerhead, and a heater, but I just don't get how the heater works... Maybe I should track down one of them on that forum and ask them how they did that.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Also, with silconing it on you'd never really be able to replace anything. I've read about using magnets to stick it on, but is that really successful?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Diy background is totally what i have been wanting to do on at least one of my future tanks. I would use super glue gel though as silicone tends to not hold well... and yes this makes your background permanent on that tank lol.
As for hiding the heater effectively, you would probably have to sacrifice a lot of space to place a tiny powerhead in the back chamber to circulate the water around the heater and out. the water would have to enter one disguised opening in the background and exit another disguised opening. at least thats how i envision it.

Activated charcoal/carbon to my knowledge does not remove nitrates. it can adsorb ammonia and i think nitrites directly, thus preventing the formation of some of the nitrates, but 1. it sort of competes with the nitrifying bacteria in your tank and 2. it adsorbs things fairly fast if there is a lot of ammonia getting produced at once by an overloaded tank or something like that, so it becomes useless quickly in that case. This is for FW. for SW carbon is mostly used to take out other impurities out of the water like toxins from fish, and invertebrates, and w/e other dissolved pollutants in the water (often things that cloud the water)
As far as I know the vodka dosing is used in SW only. its something like creating a population of bacteria that feed on phosphate or nitrate...or something that feeds on w/e food algae normally feeds on, thus effectively out-competing all algae in the tank, leaving the tank very clean of algae and free of nitrates and possibly also phosphates, but im not sure as i dont remember much.

@ ryan: You can also put the heater either next to the filter intake or filter output to get water flow past it....

@bassbonediva really? didnt know that. id be more than happy do get him a friend, but im not sure if i would have room for my school of glofish that i plan on getting. thats the main thing me and my wife wanted, but we chose to get other fish first because the glofish are so expensive and i didnt want to put them in until i knew this new tank was gonna work out smoothly. now its starting to look like we wont have room for 6 glofish. haha.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
In my 20gL, I have ten black neon tetras, one clown pleco, three panda cories and (eventually) two German blue rams (have one right now).

Even with everything you have in there (and will eventually have in there), you'll have enough room for a total of FOUR albino cories. :)


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Post some pictures of it when your done ryan
Eventually. It'll probably be a while before I do it, but making one is my plan now since my tank is empty and all my fish that lived are in a smaller tank. I might start carving the foam today maybe. Anyone know if its better to get a block of foam or if its cheaper to get sheets and glue them together?


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
In my 20gL, I have ten black neon tetras, one clown pleco, three panda cories and (eventually) two German blue rams (have one right now).
This make me happy. I've been reading up on rams and really thinking about getting one, but people online have said be cautious with it and other bottom dwellers. I'm not willing to get rid of my cories, but I really want a ram, so that's great you just told me I can keep them together.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Ryanoh - I looked at the two sites you mentioned - I forgot to look back and see what size tank you are doing this for, but those two looked like they really cut down on the number of gallons in the tank. Also have you looked into the longevity of the foam with cement over it in the water? I read somewhere about what to consider, but at the time I wasn't interested in attempting the project so I didn't keep track of it.