New fluval edge - need cycling & stocking suggestions


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
According to online paperwork the fluval edge uses 10W of halogen (unknown K spectrum) in their 6 gallon tanks. That's about 1.4 WPG right? (Even thought the write up says they give out 3WPG worth of light.) If the halogen gives off the right kind of light you should be able to grow plenty of stuff already. I know anacharis would grow, and probably make laps at the top of the tank.


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
How do Sparrow rasbora do with red cherry shrimp/black forest shrimp?

How about Scarlet Badis? Boraras maculatus? Boraras merah? Boraras brigittae?

And if I decide to get one of these.. how many should I get of the fish and how many of the shrimp?

Will I have to do anything special to the water for the shrimp?

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
idk, take a look at invertzfactory. i think they have chili rasboras if you want those.
maybe some sort of dwarf rainbow might also be able to live in a fluval edge...furcata rainbow? though you clearly cant get 5 of them, more like 1 or two.

Oct 19, 2010
the place i got my roma 240 from give theses for a 23lt-6g EDGE friendly species include White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Betta Splendens, Barbs, Danios, small Goldfish, Crystal Red Shrimps, Snails. Remember, Goldfish in particular grow so may need to be moved to a larger tank later in life


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
the place i got my roma 240 from give theses for a 23lt-6g EDGE friendly species include White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Betta Splendens, Barbs, Danios, small Goldfish, Crystal Red Shrimps, Snails. Remember, Goldfish in particular grow so may need to be moved to a larger tank later in life
Yeah that's on the box but I'd rather look into species that I want and will actually thrive in the edge :p A betta sound like a bad choice because it breaths from the top and, from what I hear, they dislike currents (which is in the middle of the only hole at the top).


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Alex, where do you live that you don't have a choice in which LFS you go to? I'm guessing if you hunted your local area you'd be able to find a couple. I know at least one of my LFS sells nano fish and inverts. Another will order them if I ask for them.


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
I called around yesterday and couldn't find anyone within a 20 mile radius of me that carries the fish I want. I could possibly order the fish through work, but we have only a shortened list on file and the company that sends us fish has a horrid website.


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
I found these from another place my LFS uses...

I need to choose between these:
Boraras brigittae
Boraras merah

and these:
Cardina japonica (amano shrimp)
red cherry shrimp

I need the two that are compatible with each other. Like, neither of them will eat the other. Help! :p

If you guys want to look and see if you can find anything nicer, here's the link:
FRESHWATER FISH - Ornamental Fish Distributor - Segrest Farms


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
do less on the shrimp but make sure you at least get males and female for the shrimp. they will go from 5 to 10+ in just a few months, so no point in buying more from the start. 5 is a good number to guarantee both sexes, but you should also take a look at them before you buy them to make sure. females are deep red males are rather transparent with little red.

idk maybe 6 rasbora is ok, up to you, check AqAdvisor for stocking.


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
do less on the shrimp but make sure you at least get males and female for the shrimp. they will go from 5 to 10+ in just a few months, so no point in buying more from the start. 5 is a good number to guarantee both sexes, but you should also take a look at them before you buy them to make sure. females are deep red males are rather transparent with little red.

idk maybe 6 rasbora is ok, up to you, check AqAdvisor for stocking.
Thanks for the advice... :)

I would use that stocking calculator, but for me I can't seem to get it to work correctly. What do I put for the filter if i'm using a fluval edge? It doesn't say on the box the model of the filter.

Also... I let my store manager know the ones I wanted so he should let me know in the next couple of days if we can get them in. Because he won't order them if nobody else will buy them ;( what would be a good asking price for the red cherry shrimp and the b. Brigittae?

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
and the rasbora?

idk cherries go for like $3 a piece here x_x you may want to ask for less. i got no clue on the rasbora, maybe same price?

your filter is an ACmini or maybe AC20 same thing really. I'll run your tank through AqAdvisor for you.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ

# Warning: Chili Rasbora is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 1.5 inches.

Recommended temperature range: 73.4 - 80.6 F. [Display in Celsius]
Recommended pH range: 6.3 - 7.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 14 dH.

You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 268%.Help on Filtration capacity
Recommended water change schedule: 22% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 78%.

Sounds like its a good setup right now. I wouldnt worry TOO much about that only warning, the fish should be ok for a long while.