

Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2010
Pierre SD
Do you actually NEED a pletco for a fishtank to keep it clean? I have had one for a few months and it died and was like a rock. So Inever got a new one put in, would it be somthing I need...I kind of want one, but I would have to wait.

He would be put into a tank with an oscar if I got one

Apr 14, 2008
No, plecos[not] are not required for a tank. In fact; they can do more harm then good by adding a bigger bioload and some can get huge[1-2' long].

Speaking of that; I'm sure you know this, but it's recommended your oscar has a 125gal+ tank...they get bigger then the width of a 55gal. :)


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
If you want a fish to clean algae off of things for you, there's tons of alternatives, but I happen to like plecos. Just make sure you get an appropriately sized one for your tank if you decide you do want a pleco.


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
Speaking of that; I'm sure you know this, but it's recommended your oscar has a 125gal+ tank...they get bigger then the width of a 55gal. :)
55gal is MIN. for 1 oscar. 75gal is prefered and oscars average adult size is 12-14 in.

A pl*co is like dropping motor oil on your floor for mopping. They poop more then your oscar. There are species that do a good job at algae eating(bn and rubbernose)


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
BOB! 98% of Oscars grow to at least 14 inchs, a 55 gallon tank is 12 inchs in width. HOW WOULD THAT WORK? obviously you've never kept an oscar so stop giving info on something you have not even a slightest clue about. i appologize to any member who finds this rude but i feel if you havent kept the fish, you dont give info on it.

And no you dont NEED a pleco, and unlike bob said they will not poop more than the oscar just get one thats recommended for your tank

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
Meleemaker-Sorry sometimes on forums the members go a tad overboard trying to prove their point or show there knowledge (I know I have in the past, LOL)

Now on to your question....NO you do not NEED a Pleco, but most fish keepers have some bottom feeders to help keep the bottom clean. This can be anything from a pleco, cory, loaches or other types of catfish, this list goes on and on. It really depends on a few things like other inhabitants of the tank, tank size, water parameters substrate and what you want.

I hope this answers your question; if not like Lauraf said, just ask


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ryanoh, go google Oscar Cichlids, they poop more than Goldfish. There the messiest cichlid in the world. And i appologize to Original Poster, i have been known to get a little out of control but bob has been getting on my nerves lately posting about things he doesnt know about, i babysat a fullgrown Oscar for 2 weeks, i had to do a 25% water change every 2 days because the water would look tan if i didnt, just my experince thou, i didnt hear of anyone else on this thread ever keeping Oscars so i thought id give my advice, guess i should just chill and post in only my threads


Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2010
Pierre SD
Ryanoh, go google Oscar Cichlids, they poop more than Goldfish. There the messiest cichlid in the world. And i appologize to Original Poster, i have been known to get a little out of control but bob has been getting on my nerves lately posting about things he doesnt know about, i babysat a fullgrown Oscar for 2 weeks, i had to do a 25% water change every 2 days because the water would look tan if i didnt, just my experince thou, i didnt hear of anyone else on this thread ever keeping Oscars so i thought id give my advice, guess i should just chill and post in only my threads

How much water was there in thank? My oscar has a lot of water and the filter runs the water through fairlly quickly, almost like 130 gph I think...I cant remember exactly what it is. But He has been in there about 5 days now and the water is still clear. MY oscar isnt that big either.

And to what ryanoh said, do plecos eat poo? I didnt think they did but I guess if they do, I was wrong. Furthur explanation required?


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
I have owned the fish. Best fish I had. Gave away doo to outgrowing my 20h. Lived a very nice life in a 55gal after that tyvm. I have been keeping fish for 3.5 years now but you been keeping them for like 6 months. You wanna bash my knowlege go ahead but bout 2 years back on this forum Everyone kept oscars in 55gal+ tanks.

As for the common pleeco question they poop alot. I find they are interesting and have owned a small cousin of them. There are many alternitives for a clean up options other then commons that you should look into Melee. I would start looking into Syno's and Eclipse Catfish for starters. You may find a different option.

Last edited:


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I don't own an oscar. I do own a clown pleco. He/she has never touched my glass. He/she leaves miles and miles of poop everywhere though. If you're getting a pleco for your "cleanup crew" I would recommend against a clown. I've heard good things about Bristlenose and Rubberlip/Bulldog plecos though. I would also suggest against a common pleco. One will outgrow your 55 gallon tank.

Ryanoh, how's your whiptail do on algae?

Apr 14, 2008
I don't own an oscar. I do own a clown pleco. He/she has never touched my glass. He/she leaves miles and miles of poop everywhere though. If you're getting a pleco for your "cleanup crew" I would recommend against a clown. I've heard good things about Bristlenose and Rubberlip/Bulldog plecos though. I would also suggest against a common pleco. One will outgrow your 55 gallon tank.
My clown plecos I had didn't eat any of my algae either. I assume they are more meat eaters and prefer shrimp pellets. Honestly; my rubbernose pleco never ate algae the only small one that's readily availble I could recommend would be a bristle nose because those little guys work *HARD*. :p It concerns me the oscar might rip the bristlenose plecos to shreads. I guess it depends on the oscar...but surprisingly my angelfish[different then an oscar, I know...but still a cichlid that can be moody], Doom, started picking on my albino pair[had for over a year; supposedly perfectly healthy] out of no where.

fishman1995 said:
guess i should just chill
Yes. Not worth getting upset about as everyone has their own ways & opinions of keeping fish. What I said was from everything I've read ...I haven't had personal experience with these fish and I just know most people who I've read that keep them decided to go to atleast a 75 to give their fish more turning room. I figured 125+ because it's more space both length wise & width.

I accept I may be wrong; but I wanted to bring it to attention the oscar *MIGHT* need a bigger tank over time; not to start fights.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Ryanoh, how's your whiptail do on algae?
Pretty well. I suppose my snails are helping him too, but he's eaten almost all the algae out of my tank, and there was a lot when I first put him in. He's pretty picky about me supplementing his algae with blanched squash, so I'm going to try other vegetable or just buy algae wafers so he won't starve once all the algae is gone. I see him on my sword plant everyone once and a while, but I'm not sure if he's eating the algae off of it or if he's eating it.

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
The best I have seen for Algae are Oto's. I have a moderately planted tank that has been running for about 10 months. I had a chocolate Pleco in there, but at 7 inches he was too big and dug up plants every night. I got a school of six Oto's and my tank has never looked better! The Clown Pleco I got loves my driftwood, but does not touch algae!


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Pleco Poo

Common plecos are pretty dirty, and they get REALLY big, they also need a LOT more food then the algae in your tank could provide for them (a full grown common could easily polish off half a potato and some meat pellets in 1 day!)

Im surprised someone said their clown pleco was pooping a lot.... They tend to be under 2", so it would be hard for me to tell how much poo they were actually making.

I like bushy noses a LOT! they are adventourous little guys but they will need more then just the algae on the tank. (meat pellets, blanched zuccini, squash, potatos (sweet potatos are TOXIC)

If you haev access to fancy plecos maybe try a gold nugget, a royal (Royals do really well with SA cichlids because they are larger and they tend to be bossy so they don't get pushed around) Craigs List is a good place to find breeders importers in your area. :)