New fluval edge - need cycling & stocking suggestions

I have kept my betta in this tank for over a year. He figured out where the air was! Currently, it is heavily planted christmas tree moss, chain swords, micro swords, dwarf hairgrass, java fern (windelov), najas grass and crypts. Hornwort and najas grass to make it tougher to chase the chili rasboras when Mr. Betta is feeling frisky. I love to see him resting in his crypt hammock. Has to come out and flare at me when I approach the front of the tank.

I use Purigen for filtration. CO2 bubble ladder, modified the lights to MR16 LED bulbs and added a 10W 6700 fluorescent fixture to the mix. Flourite red as a substrate. Driftwood & a few stones as well.

Livestock include the above mentioned betta who believe it or not.....coexists with 10 chili rasboras, ruby tetras (3), 4 theadfin rainbowfish, asian stone catfish, a lovely 'red lizard catfish ('Red Lizard Catfish, L010a'), a male clown killifish, a small striped loach from asia as well as several olive and ruby nerite snails, some horned nerite snails and an abundant, thriving colony of cherry red shrimp. The plants are so healthy that I have to trim them back every week or they would be totally filling the tank. Deep greens and lush growth. Thriving and healthy in every way. I currently am dosing carefully with Excel (inverts are sensitive) and fertilizers along with doing heavy (75%) water changes every week. Added a heater to the tank and a foam pre-filter to keep the shrimp safe.

I know that this breaks all of the '1 inch of fish per gallon of water' rules, but this is one of THE most gorgeous tanks that I have ever owned. Water is crystal clear, nerites keep the glass clean (use the small magnet glass cleaner every week like I do on all of my tanks with my weekly water changes. Filter is more than sufficient. I am very pleased with this tank, as you can tell. Folks who see my photos of this tank are always amazed that it is only 6 gallons.

I did a 'fishless' cycle at first (a year ago) using ammonia. Tank cycled in 4 days. Mr. Betta was the first inhabitant. Others followed gradually and the bio-load adjusted accordingly. I love this tank so much that I am seriously thinking about getting another one since Petsmart has them on sale for $99. I am also thinking about getting one of Fluval's shrimp tanks.. Think that I could have fun with that. Most of my tanks are much larger.....20H to 60H. This little Edge is a jewel. I had to make some changes, but the effects were worth it...

Melanie J


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
Heh I don't have the time or know-how to do that kind of set-up... :p

I can't find ANY chili rasboras and it's been a while. I've been thinking of putting a dwarf gourami in here... You think I could squeeze a male AND female in? Do you think they would fight too much, or... kill my shrimp? Would one kill my shrimp?! I've heard different stories.


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
I added 5 quarter-inch long Chili Rasboras to my aquarium yesterday. I wanted more but the IDIOT who stocked fish at the store I ordered them from put them in a tank with MUCH bigger fish and these were the only ones left.

When I got home from work today, I found one Chili Rasbora dead and my red cherry shrimp nibbling on him. I kind of expected it to die, though, it was not doing so well. Yesterday the other 4 were active and colorful, this one was paler and sat in a corner. Then tonight I found one of my berried red cherry shrimp dead ... I have NO idea what would have caused it's death. Stress from the addition of fish? I am upset about this because it seems like this was the biggest and was going to have shrimplets soonest. I haven't lost anything in this aquarium until now..

My levels:
PH 7.6? Hard to tell. Looks like 7.6.
Ammonia 0
NitrItes 0
NitrAtes 0

Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
Nitrates at zero? Might want to double-check that. If the tank is cycled, you should see some nitrate.

Sorry to hear about your rasbora loss (and the store that didn't hold them in the right aquarium for you). I hope you can get more. They really do like to be in a larger group and hang out together. I have 13 now that are about 4 months old, so I'm hoping to have babies soon. I kept these from the last batch that were hatched in my tank. The 8 original adults are 'retired' to a community tank and are about 3 years old now. I don't know how long they live, but they are still very colorful and active.


Large Fish
Oct 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
Nitrates at zero? Might want to double-check that. If the tank is cycled, you should see some nitrate.

Sorry to hear about your rasbora loss (and the store that didn't hold them in the right aquarium for you). I hope you can get more. They really do like to be in a larger group and hang out together. I have 13 now that are about 4 months old, so I'm hoping to have babies soon. I kept these from the last batch that were hatched in my tank. The 8 original adults are 'retired' to a community tank and are about 3 years old now. I don't know how long they live, but they are still very colorful and active.
Ok, I just double checked. It is yellow and only a little darker than the card, but barely noticeable. No orange hue at all. Looks like 0 to me. <.< I have not changed anything except the water in weeks. I do rinse out the filters during water changes but only in used aquarium water or dechlorinated water. I may be able to get the store to order some more bigger ones (bigger than a quarter of an inch) but idk. I want to see how these do in the following week. If I lose a few more shrimp I will order more from aquabid. I hope I don't, though... I can't help but suspect the fish are harassing them but I have not witnessed any of it. Tbh, the majority of the shrimp are the same size or bigger than the fish.

Oh, I did tie down some moss to driftwood with fishing line two days ago.. I don't think that would have caused harm to anything, though, since it's the same line I've used before in the tank. And I cut leaves and some roots from a plant attached to the driftwood. I see no reason why that would do anything.

Last edited:
May 25, 2011
Your Experience with the Edge

Please no lecture. I said I was thinking about the cories, and nothing was set in stone. I kniow about how large they grow and that they are schooling fish. I was only asking what YOU think look good in a tank this small. I do not appreciate you talking down to me for asking your opinion.
Hi Alex, I was a bit offended as well at the "lecture" given to you. Especially given that none of those who responded even own an Edge! I am just starting my first cycling of my Edge tank and while I feel responsibility for the fish that I plan to house there, I want the tank to look cool!

What did you decide on for your tank? I have added some plants to my tank and I understand that while the tank is 6-gallons volume the supplied filter set up can filter a 10-gallon tank. This over capacity I expect will allow me to put the maximum amount of fish that my tank's capacity offers. Also, my aquatic plants should help with nitrogen cycling and oxygenation of water.

So, that said, I am very interested in hearing about your experience with the Fluval tank. I am not too interested in hearing from people here with 100-gallon tanks as this experience will not really answer my rather clear question in the title of this post.