Cory Fin Problem

Nov 5, 2009
One of my corys seems to be missing a fin and the other one looks stubbly. he still seems to be swimming fine and eating normally. the other cory looks fine. is there a way to fix it or will it regrow on its own? or does it even need to regrow?


Medium Fish
Mar 11, 2011
United States
ya i usally buy about 4 or five at a time, when i got my peacock bass half of his fins were torn apart, the owner of the place gave me that site i bought one to try it out and within a few day's he looked new and improved same with all my other fish they love it. And i think what's so good about it is that there is no chemical's my fish actually thrive off this stuff it's kinda crazy

Mar 26, 2011
Malden, MA
If it's fin rot, melafix is good too. You can find it most places, just be careful that it hasn't expired and store the bottle somewhere dark. The magic ingredient is tea-tree oil, which is photo-sensitive. (Breaks down in light). It's antibacterial AND antifungal, so it's good for all sorts of things. Particularly open wounds (which are vulnerable to bacteria and fungi until they heal), and for treating when you aren't exactly sure whether a bacteria or a fungal infection is to blame. Just be careful to follow the dosing instructions on the bottle. Don't want to anti-bacterialize your filter bacteria.

They use it in soothing skin creams and shampoos for people too. :)