fish bowl filter

Nov 5, 2009
Hello; Not sure if the cloudy water is normal, but it may well be. I have had new setups go cloudy for a few days many times. It seems that there is a bacterial bloom with some new setups. Perhaps with an older set up, the new filter system is stirring up the sediments in the bowl and causing a temporary bacterial bloom. If it is a bloom, the cloudy water should begin to clear soon.
ya that was my initial thought. i hope thats all it is. i'l keep you guys posted


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009

Would not the shelf the bowl is setting on house five or ten gallon tank?
Perhaps a rubbermaid tub could be utilized for temporary home until the fishes can be released into a pond.
Bowl is pitifully small for two goldfish with or without a mature filter.

Nov 5, 2009
Would not the shelf the bowl is setting on house five or ten gallon tank?
Perhaps a rubbermaid tub could be utilized for temporary home until the fishes can be released into a pond.
Bowl is pitifully small for two goldfish with or without a mature filter.
yes it could. if you had read my earlier posts you would have seen that i am planning on putting them in a tank in june*thumbsups


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
yes it could. if you had read my earlier posts you would have seen that i am planning on putting them in a tank in june*thumbsups

Read your previous post's before responding, mention was made of one gold fish ,then two.
Is doubtful they will last that long,(June) daily water changes or not.
Would not purchase fish before permanent housing was ready.
Is near inhumane to keep them in such a death trap.20 gallon tote or rubbermaid tub would be much more humane.

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Nov 5, 2009
Read your previous post's before responding, mention was made of one gold fish ,then two.
Is doubtful they will last that long,(June) daily water changes or not.
Would not purchase fish before permanent housing was ready.
Is near inhumane to keep them in such a death trap.20 gallon tote or rubbermaid tub would be much more humane.
the other goldfish lived in a bowl for over 2 years. i'm pretty sure it'l make it another month. thank you for your condescending input


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Some months ago a forum member fairly new to the hobby wanted to keep a catfish that required particular conditions. A few other members took issue and over the course of several posts tried to lay a guilt trip about it. They were directing comments much like the ones you have received. That the new member was being upset by some of the remarks was clear from the content of some posts. I even caught some of the cutting remarks for suggesting that the new member keep the catfish. The exchange prompted me to start a thread titled STOCKING DENSITY OPINION. Got some more negative comments from that.

You are trying to make the temporary conditions better with the DIY filter modification and terms like "deathtrap" and "inhumane" seem out of bounds to me. Some folks seem willing to push their particular point of view (in some cases when they cannot back them up with evidence.) and quickly resort to cutting remarks. Sort of reminds me of my first marriage.

There seems to be a vocal group of members with set opinions on issues like how many fish to keep in a tank or how often to change water or how many fish of a type must be kept in a group. Some are kind enough to explain the reasoning behind their point of view while others take a more unpleasant path.

I hope your set up works out.

Apr 14, 2008
To be honest, I like how skjl47 said that....too many fish keepers are quick to judge and call other fish keepers inhumane when they probably have done worse. It's *MUCH* better to help/advise then make the other person feel like crap for even trying. And...I really don't think the goldfish care as long as they can move, breathe and aren't

Anyways, back on topic, cool "mod" frankenfish! :)


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
In the interest of those who may read these post's in the future, and more importantly,, ,In the best interest of the fishes (this is a fish forum?) I would submit that you will find no books, or expierienced hobbyist's, that would suggest such a enviornment for one goldfish(never mind two) if it is indeed the welfare of the fish that is of primary concern.
In a small volume of water, the waste produced by two goldfish and foods offered, there simply isn't the dilution capabilitiy that there is in a larger volume of water and the fish is swimming in it's own feces between water changes.
Don't take my word for it,go post the photo submitted here on other forums and gauge the response.
My suggestion for temporary housing that would benefit the fish would cost all of ten dollars and considering that the filter could easily be moved to a rubbermaid tub or tote. it passes my understanding as to why this isn't even a consideration.
Yes others have done much worse ,doesn't make it right, and could give new hobbyist's the impression that such a pitifully small bowl is acceptable.

Apr 14, 2008
Get the hell over yourself...and nobody really cares what's on other forums...the point is to make this one as friendly/helpful to people as possible...not treat them like crap.

The fact he's trying to do what's best for them is what really matters...


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
Get the hell over yourself...and nobody really cares what's on other forums...the point is to make this one as friendly/helpful to people as possible...not treat them like crap.

The fact he's trying to do what's best for them is what really matters...

Ain't about me.. it's about what is best for the fishes and a bowl ain't cuttin it, if like you say.. tryin to do what's best for the fishes is what really matter's.
Is an easy fix as has been suggested, and a good analogy would be to take a drop of food coloring and imagine that this drop represent's fish waste produced in a day's time.Place a drop in a glass of water, and another drop in a five gallon bucket.
You will note that the glass of water will turn dark colored much more quickly and pronounced than that in the bucket.Same thing occurs in fish bowls as opposed to larger tanks.
Waste will ALWAYS be more of a problem in smaller volume of water as opposed to larger volume.
In smaller volume of water ,water quality goes south in a hurry without diligent dilution of toxins that fish produce.Fish become stressed and are more suceptible to bacterial pathogens ,finrot,fungus,etc.
Ten to twenty gallons of water per goldfish is accepted by most who care for these fish, and the fact that you take issue with my demeanor,does not,will not ,change the fact that the fishes in question are in an enviornment not suited for much except possibly a betta if as you say we are concerned about what's best.
Chew on that a while.*SLEEPING*

Apr 14, 2008
You missed the point entirely...this goes beyond the can't just go on someone's thread and treat them badly when they are trying to do something good for the fish they already have... *thumbsdow