Good Algae Eaters For Two 10 Gallons

Apr 14, 2008
Where did you hear the people have been able to breed otos in captivity? Especially Otocinclus cocama (Zebra Otos)? For what it costs to import those, breeders could make a small fortune.
Here's the one thread I was talking about:
TFH Magazine Forum • View topic - The Oto Journal

I don't know if they've gotten the O. Cocomas to breed yet[newer project in future pages and I'm not 100% caught up], but the O. Vittatus, at the very least, bred...


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Back in the 70's the common practice was that a saltwater tank needed to be around 55 gallons minimum. Over time folks have developed ways to now have much smaller saltwater setups. I suspect that those who developed the newer saltwater systems were considered to be going against the established norms of the time. I imagine that the bigger saltwater tanks still work as well as they did in the past, but newer techniques have lead to other options.

It does not supprise me to learn that folks who push the edge in fishkeeeping have found ways to keep freshwater fish in smaller tanks as well, nor that they have developed ways to breed the tougher species.

Feb 27, 2009
I've had otos spawn for me, but have never had the fry live beyond 5 days old. Even have video of their courting/mating/egg laying. My O. cocama show courting behavior, but I've never seen eggs laid, sadly.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Well first this isn't the first convo about ottos she and I have had. I realize that newer posters on this forum may not know/remember me or the way I tend to give advice. Anywho it's not like I gave that advice to a random poster on the forum. Anywho I didn't use nasty language, call names etc just gave advice that wasn't sugar coated.

If you have breeding ottos, you would be wise to seperate them and encourage all the breeding you can, almost all ottos you encounter in your local fish stores are wild caught, this is because breeding is difficult and rare. OC is dead nuts accurate on this. I would imagine that domestic ottos would be far heartier then the wild caught kind and they would more easily take prepared foods.

Neons tend to be finicky, if you have had good luck with yours thats great, I think lots of the troubles folks have with them comes from the source of the neons rather then the fish keeper.

I don't keep marine tanks but I believe it is still the general consensus that large marine tanks are much easier to keep and establish, the nano varieties while available have serious pitfalls which is why most marine enthusiasts do keep larger tanks. From what i understand 55g is still considered a small tank for marine. Again this is what i know from reading and chatting up marine folks.

Just my 2 cents.

Apr 14, 2008
I realize that newer posters on this forum may not know/remember me or the way I tend to give advice.
lol...I'm not new. But you did just prove my point you're willing to cut other people down just to try to make yourself look better.

Now watch, you're gonna try some crap trying to say you weren't talking about me specifically. Talking to the air or still yelling at newbs Nanu?

skjl47 said:
Hello; Back in the 70's the common practice was that a saltwater tank needed to be around 55 gallons minimum. Over time folks have developed ways to now have much smaller saltwater setups. I suspect that those who developed the newer saltwater systems were considered to be going against the established norms of the time. I imagine that the bigger saltwater tanks still work as well as they did in the past, but newer techniques have lead to other options.

It does not surprise me to learn that folks who push the edge in fishkeeeping have found ways to keep freshwater fish in smaller tanks as well, nor that they have developed ways to breed the tougher species.
Yep! Not to threadjack[I'm sorry, Kiara] but I have a 20 gallon long nano-reef, myself and it's been very easy to maintain...since there is no practicability of me ever having a bigger reef right now[no money, TBH] it works out perfectly... :D

OrangeCones said:
I've had otos spawn for me, but have never had the fry live beyond 5 days old. Even have video of their courting/mating/egg laying. My O. cocama show courting behavior, but I've never seen eggs laid, sadly.
That's very cool you got them happy enough to breed! I'm sorry the fry don't live tho... :( Oh and it'd be awesome if your cocamas[I misspelt it before, my apologies] breed! They are awesome little fish...I'm imagining how cool it'd be to have a tank full of them! :D


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I dont find all the nastyness toward Nanu neccesary. You two are reminding me of myself. He is just trying to help. However, i agree that Oto's can be kept in smaller tanks. I belive the reason people suggest larger tanks is so there's more algae that can grow.

Now, as far as saltwater. From what ive read (i was going to do a nano saltwater before) its always advised to do the biggest tank you can because of this reason. When our freshwater tanks loose water due to evaporation, its not a big deal right. Well in a saltwater tank, the salt doesnt evaporate, it stays in there. More salt, less water increase salinity which can kill your fish. In a bigger tank, less water leaves and more is left, in smaller tanks, such as my 5.5 gallon that looses 5% about every day, would be hard to keep at the correct salinity.

I dont want to get yelled at also. But i would have told Kiara the same thing Kenny. And i wouldnt sugar coat it. If you sugar coat it, it makes people think "well they said not to but they said it so nicely its like it would be okay with them if i did. If you guys continue with this, OC, Nanu and the others wont respond much to your threads like how OC never post's in mine anymore. I miss her alot, and you would to, shes a sweet woman. Nanu doesn't post in mine hardly either. I guess because i blew up on both of them so much. Same for MK, Bass, Mercedes and all the others who used to. If we keep this up, it'l be us younger less experinced fish keepers fending for ourselfs, scrambling to get the truth and what we need to care for our fish. Trust me, if i could, id go back in time to everytime i blew up and fix it. Cause i miss all the experinced people.

My 2 cents.

Apr 14, 2008
All I can say is I'm not going to start a fight over this...I'm not gonna change your opinions and you're not gonna change mine...I just posted why I feel like I do and am gonna leave it at that...

Oh and that Paige[bassbonediva] is my best friend and there's other reasons why she's not here and not posting in your threads then just you going off in your help threads...


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Hey there. Well first I haven't posted in a long time on anyone's threads lol :) Nothing personal Fishman, I will still tell ya what's up in my normal manor if you post something silly :) or congratulate you if you do something really great!

Kiara already has the ottos, so lets end this with how are they doing hun? are they eating? have they been willing to accept any prepared foods? What about your 55? What is your eta on getting that bad boy up and running?