Ghost Shrimp Question

Jul 18, 2011
Hello, please help me.
So, my cousin is getting a Betta fish for her birthday. I thought that some nice Ghost Shrimp would go great with her Betta. Could someone please tell me:
1. If Petsmart GS are REALLY GS, not other random species of shrimp
2. If I can mix Betta Conditioner and Regular Conditioner together
3. What kinds of plants/decor the GS can hide in in case the Betta wants a snack.


1. Quite certain they are real GS, if they are clear (almost invisible) or even have slight orange/red markings, they're GS. If they're a milky white color -- they're sick and unlikely to make it.

2. I'm not really sure on the conditioners, I don't use many chemicals in my tank. I do know that shrimp are highly sensitive to chemicals in the tank though, even more so than fish.

3. GS will hide anywhere they can, like fish most invertebrates prefer live planted tanks. Any fake decor that has access though, they will hide -- just make sure it doesn't have pointy/rough edges that the betta could hurt itself on.

Jul 18, 2011
1. Quite certain they are real GS, if they are clear (almost invisible) or even have slight orange/red markings, they're GS. If they're a milky white color -- they're sick and unlikely to make it.

2. I'm not really sure on the conditioners, I don't use many chemicals in my tank. I do know that shrimp are highly sensitive to chemicals in the tank though, even more so than fish.

3. GS will hide anywhere they can, like fish most invertebrates prefer live planted tanks. Any fake decor that has access though, they will hide -- just make sure it doesn't have pointy/rough edges that the betta could hurt itself on.
Okay, thanks! However, I did read a thread about a shrimp that DID look like a GS, but it grew BIGGER than a betta and EVEN ATE the betta, so I wasn't sure about getting some.

The only shrimp that I could think of that would maybe resemble a GS and be able to do that is a redclaw shrimp, but obviously you would see how the claws are far different than that of the GS.

The vampire shrimp would be another one that would prey on fish, but I highly doubt anyone would confuse that with a GS...

Do you have any idea where you read about the shrimp or recall what type it was?