I'm Poor and I Want Fish

Aug 3, 2011
So like the title says, I am a broke college student, but I really want to have a fish. I live in a small apartment and do not have all that much space. One of my friends convinced me to buy a betta from petco rather impulsively and I didn't have all the materials I needed right away, and he was unfortunately short lived. After he died, everything in the tank was slimy. I'd like to try again with something next week, but I really have no idea where to start. Some advice would be helpful. I did read the articles in the sticky, but I'm still a little confused.

I have:
-A hexagonal tank with a side length of 10.5cm (4.1in) and a height of 25.5cm (10in), which according to this comes out to about 7.3L (roughly 2g)
-Aquarium rocks
-A fake plant
-Bulbs for live plants that just sprouted
-An inexpensive heater designed to heat to ~78∘F
-Plenty of rocks and driftwood from a nearby river that have been washed

I know that my water has a pH between 7.2 and 7.6, but I don't know anything else. I plan to buy test strips in the morning.

So my major question is, what kind of fish would be easy to care for and be able to live in those conditions? The only thing is that I do not have that much money to spend.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Many people do keep a betta alive in a 2g tank, but you will need to change at least 50% of the water about twice a week. I had one like that for about 2 years in a smaller container until I learned differently. I didn't know about cycling the water at the time and I changed all the water at least once a week. I later updated to a larger tank, but I don't think he was any happier because he completely stopped building bubble nests.

Jul 18, 2011
So like the title says, I am a broke college student, but I really want to have a fish. I live in a small apartment and do not have all that much space. One of my friends convinced me to buy a betta from petco rather impulsively and I didn't have all the materials I needed right away, and he was unfortunately short lived. After he died, everything in the tank was slimy. I'd like to try again with something next week, but I really have no idea where to start. Some advice would be helpful. I did read the articles in the sticky, but I'm still a little confused.

I have:
-A hexagonal tank with a side length of 10.5cm (4.1in) and a height of 25.5cm (10in), which according to this comes out to about 7.3L (roughly 2g)
-Aquarium rocks
-A fake plant
-Bulbs for live plants that just sprouted
-An inexpensive heater designed to heat to ~78∘F
-Plenty of rocks and driftwood from a nearby river that have been washed

I know that my water has a pH between 7.2 and 7.6, but I don't know anything else. I plan to buy test strips in the morning.

So my major question is, what kind of fish would be easy to care for and be able to live in those conditions? The only thing is that I do not have that much money to spend.
Well, you could get a filter for your tank and 1-3 filter cartridges. WARNING: On the package of the filter cartridge, it will say, "For best results, change filter cartridge every month." Do NOT listen to that. If you do, then a whole colony of beneficial bacteria will be killed. It is MUCH easier to take a small cup, scoop out some of your tank water with it, wash the filter off in the cup of tank water, and stick it back into the filter. Hope you keep your betta alive!

Alternatively, you could upgrade to a 4-5 gallon tank and keep a few guppies.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I would not worry too much about a filter as long as you are changing water and don't put more fish in. I started a Thread on Filtration under General Discussion - you might read that.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Those bulbs you got sprouting, in a month, will have your entire tank COVERED in plant leaves. My betta loves to lay in them and rest alot. And he doesnt need a filter, i used a tiny power filter in my 2.5 gallon tank and kept my old betta alive for awhile (Dummy me didnt keep up with water changes then) Whatever you do, DO NOT put anything with your betta, especially not in that small of a tank. Are you wanting a female or a male? Male's are more " exciting" i guess but females can be awesome too. And if i we're you, id ask the fish store you but yours from what they feed them cause ive had males and females eat EVERYTHING except pellets, some would only eat pellets, some prefered freeze dried bloodworms (if you get those WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU TOUCH YOUR EYES! or they'l itch off, im suffering still from when i forgot a week ago lol) I myself would get 1 golden mystery snail too, and if you dont want one that big, id ask if i could some Malaysian Trumpet snails. Snails help clean some stuff but mine wont touch my Plants except they ate all my Anacharis. Make SURE you keep up with water changes! cause in that small of a tank, your betta wont be quite as moving everywhere as one in a 5.5 gallon, and if its like my first betta, who got a bad case of Ich before i could get to him it was too late cause he found a spot or two he loved to sit in and he'd stay there.

Aug 3, 2011
Thanks for the advice, but I am not necessarily looking for another betta. It would be nice to have more than one fish, but with how small my tank is I don't know if that is a good idea. Also, I got some test strips and can now say this about my water:
-No Nitrates or Nitrites
-The Hardness (GH) is around 75 ppm
-The Alkalinty (KH) is around 80 ppm


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You do not say where you are, but if you are in the U.S. there may be a Walmart near you and at least here they carry some pretty good looking bettas. I have 4 male bettas in different size tanks and they are all friendly. In fact, my husband, who isn't at all interested in my fish, has gotten involved with the one in the 2 1/2 g tank on my kitchen counter. He say, "Hey that guy comes up and greets me every time I go near him." I have noticed that at least two of them will eat out of my fingers. I also have two females in a community tank. They are fine and graceful, but I don't think they are as friendly.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Bettas are it...

you can get a betta for that tank, or find a new to you tank on craigs list.

For about 20-40.00 you can find a 20-30g tank on CL possibly with everything you need to get started. (maybe even fish included) in that case you could get more then 1 fish. Otherwise you get a betta for a tank that size...

I just did a quick search of CL detroit and found like 4 complete set ups in that price range and size range. I know I bought a 30g H once for 25 with a stand and fish and filter and everything else needed. It wasn't that long ago...

So i guess it depends on your definition of poor... If you are too poor for a 20g tank then take 4.00 to your local fish store and get a betta if you have 20-40 hanging around then get a bigger tank.

Feb 15, 2011
I kept 4 platies happy in a 5 gallon for more than 5 months(then they were moved to the 20 gallon at home), but that was with frequent water changes and a 20 gallon filter and it was planted. I really like the tank. It came as part of a set from Walmart. Walmart.com: Hawkeye 5 gal Tank Aquarium Kit: Fish

I really don't suppose you can keep much other than the betta in the 2.5 gallon tank.

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