What kind of rock is this?

Jul 18, 2011
Well, I was walking around my house and I found a quartz like rock, except its more whitish than transparent and it has lots or brown spots on it. I soaked it in vinegar last night and it didn't bubble, so is it okay to use? The only reason why I don't have a picture of it is because I don't know how to post pictures on here. :( Does anyone have a kind of rock like what I described?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Usually if it doesn't bubble when you put vinegar on it it is inert. From your description, I'd say it's safe for your tank. Give it a boil just to be safe.
And to post pics, the easiest thing is to click the 'insert image' icon above the window you are typing in - then select the pic from your computer.

Jul 18, 2011
Usually if it doesn't bubble when you put vinegar on it it is inert. From your description, I'd say it's safe for your tank. Give it a boil just to be safe.
And to post pics, the easiest thing is to click the 'insert image' icon above the window you are typing in - then select the pic from your computer.
Okay. But would letting it sit in very hot water have the same effect?