iPhone, iPod, iPad app for beginner and intermediate aquarists

Aug 5, 2011
Hey everyone- long time lurker, first time posting. For about 6 months now I've been hard at work creating an iPhone/iPod/iPad app to help set up and manage freshwater aquariums. It’s called AquaPilot, and it’s designed for new and intermediate aquarium owners, but it’s helpful to pretty much any pet fish owner.

For new fish owners, it selects species for them based on the tank they have or are planning to get. Things such as tank size, shape, filter type and temperature are input by the user, and only species that would be appropriate are suggested. The app also can automatically schedule tank maintenance events in your iOS calendar (PWCs, filter media replacement) and for new owners it will generate a custom setup guide specifically for their tank.

For both new and intermediate aquarists, there is a cycling tool that allows you to input the readings from your water test strips or liquid test to find out how much cycling time is left, or if the tank is ready. There are also tools to help you diagnose sick fish and give you some treatment options… AquaPilot will even locate nearby pet fish and supply retailers! There is also a searchable index of most freshwater aquarium species, and a compatibility tool to see if a selected species is compatible with another desired species.

I’ve tried to make it as user friendly, helpful and inexpensive as I can so that more people can start enjoying the hobby without the frustration of failed tanks. I hope you all will check it out, and I’d love feedback! If you like it, I hope you’ll tell others who might benefit from such an app :)

If you’d like to get the app, just search AquaPilot on the app store, or you can go to

Aqua Pilot iPhone App - automatic guide and care for aquariums, fish tanks, bowls, and most types of freshwater pet fish

or facebook.com/aquapilot

to learn more. If you download it and like, please consider giving it a good review on the app store :)

Thanks everyone, I hope you find it helpful and enjoyable, and thanks for the great forum- excellent advice!

Aug 5, 2011
an android version is in the early stages... I have to brush up on my Java programming, but my goal is to get it ported over to android, but it probably won't be in the next month... i'll let you know when it's out!

Jul 18, 2011
Hey everyone- long time lurker, first time posting. For about 6 months now I've been hard at work creating an iPhone/iPod/iPad app to help set up and manage freshwater aquariums. It’s called AquaPilot, and it’s designed for new and intermediate aquarium owners, but it’s helpful to pretty much any pet fish owner.

For new fish owners, it selects species for them based on the tank they have or are planning to get. Things such as tank size, shape, filter type and temperature are input by the user, and only species that would be appropriate are suggested. The app also can automatically schedule tank maintenance events in your iOS calendar (PWCs, filter media replacement) and for new owners it will generate a custom setup guide specifically for their tank.

For both new and intermediate aquarists, there is a cycling tool that allows you to input the readings from your water test strips or liquid test to find out how much cycling time is left, or if the tank is ready. There are also tools to help you diagnose sick fish and give you some treatment options… AquaPilot will even locate nearby pet fish and supply retailers! There is also a searchable index of most freshwater aquarium species, and a compatibility tool to see if a selected species is compatible with another desired species.

I’ve tried to make it as user friendly, helpful and inexpensive as I can so that more people can start enjoying the hobby without the frustration of failed tanks. I hope you all will check it out, and I’d love feedback! If you like it, I hope you’ll tell others who might benefit from such an app :)

If you’d like to get the app, just search AquaPilot on the app store, or you can go to

Aqua Pilot iPhone App - automatic guide and care for aquariums, fish tanks, bowls, and most types of freshwater pet fish

or facebook.com/aquapilot

to learn more. If you download it and like, please consider giving it a good review on the app store :)

Thanks everyone, I hope you find it helpful and enjoyable, and thanks for the great forum- excellent advice!
This is the BEST aquarium app! I have a few suggestions:

For the FINdex, could you add an algae eaters section?
Could you also add an aquatic plant care tab?

Thanks. This app was DEFINITELY worth the 1.99. :)))))

Aug 5, 2011
thanks so much! Originally I figured the bottom feeders category was kind of close to algae eaters, but you're right, since snails etc. are also algae eaters... hmm, I like having the bottom feeders category, but maybe I could add key words to each entry so if you search "algae eaters" then things like both corys and snails would come up... I'll have to think about it but I like the idea! thanks!

Jul 18, 2011
thanks so much! Originally I figured the bottom feeders category was kind of close to algae eaters, but you're right, since snails etc. are also algae eaters... hmm, I like having the bottom feeders category, but maybe I could add key words to each entry so if you search "algae eaters" then things like both corys and snails would come up... I'll have to think about it but I like the idea! thanks!
Cories aren't algae eaters, though. Maybe you could also have a list of reliable fish products to buy and you should do minimum tank sizes for each individual fish.

Aug 5, 2011
sorry i meant plecos, was having a senior moment...

yeah an actual listing of min tank size would definitely be good, it is built into the "suggested fish" tool but the user does not see or know this (so if you set up a 10 gallon tank, it automatically wont show you anything that needs more space than that) so yeah since thats all kind of "behind-the-scenes" an actual listing is a good idea. there's a couple other things i'm working in as well, maybe i can include that! *GOLDFISH*

Jul 18, 2011
sorry i meant plecos, was having a senior moment...

yeah an actual listing of min tank size would definitely be good, it is built into the "suggested fish" tool but the user does not see or know this (so if you set up a 10 gallon tank, it automatically wont show you anything that needs more space than that) so yeah since thats all kind of "behind-the-scenes" an actual listing is a good idea. there's a couple other things i'm working in as well, maybe i can include that! *GOLDFISH*
Oh yeah, I spotted a mistake. In the "Cycle" feature, If you put in 0-14 days since you started cycling, and put in 0 ammonia, 0 nitrIte, and .25 nitrAte, it says, "You have 16 days left," but if you substitute 0-14 days for 15+ days, it says, "Your tank is ready!"