Sick Betta

Jul 18, 2011
Hi all,
So, my Betta has been lying on the bottom of my tank basically all the time and his red colors have faded, showing only a faint blue color, and I have no idea what the problem is. He's in a nice 5.5G with lots of plants and the pH is around 7.0, just a little bit on the acidic side. He has been eating up until today. I think the problem is:

1) The food I'm giving him is spoiled
2) He's constipated
3) The temperature drops too low at night (I wake up to find it in the low 70's)
4) He's sick

I'm treating him with aquarium salt & Jungle Lifeguard. I also don't know how much to feed Bettas. I started off feeding him 3 pellets every Tues., Thurs., & Sat., but when he got sick, I tried feeding him everyday. If he's constipated, should I try giving him a cooked pea?

Btw, today he lied on his side for a bit then came back upright.

Please help me!


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
You should feed him 3 pellets a day, just make sure to clean out the leftovers. Pictures would be great but what food are you feeding him and what's the expiration date??


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Have you tested the water lately for more than pH? It's less likely a food issue and more likely something to do with water parameters.

My Betta endures some pretty wacky temperatures without a problem, so unless it's rising to 90+ and then plummeting every day, that's probably not it either, unless it's already stressed out to begin with and cannot tolerate temperate fluctuations. If that's a real concern for you, a small heater may be a good fix.

How long has he been in the tank? Sometimes Bettas get stressed out from filters because their fins act like a kite. He may be laying on the bottom because there's too much current for him to swim in.

Jul 18, 2011
Have you tested the water lately for more than pH? It's less likely a food issue and more likely something to do with water parameters.

My Betta endures some pretty wacky temperatures without a problem, so unless it's rising to 90+ and then plummeting every day, that's probably not it either, unless it's already stressed out to begin with and cannot tolerate temperate fluctuations. If that's a real concern for you, a small heater may be a good fix.

How long has he been in the tank? Sometimes Bettas get stressed out from filters because their fins act like a kite. He may be laying on the bottom because there's too much current for him to swim in.
I have low pH, alkalinity, soft water, ammonia, nitrate, & nitrate are all 0 (My betta was put in 3-4 weeks ago & the tank was seeded w/ new media)

My filter is a top fin 10 and has a low flow rate.

It's odd because my Betta was showing the same symptoms in my old 3 gallon (besides the anorexia).

Jul 18, 2011
OC is on the money!! What test kit are you using? If your bacteria is established you will show nitrate. Non established tanks will not show nitrate yet. You might want to do water changes every day until you figure out why you have no nitrates.
I use Jungle 5 in 1 Quick Dip Test Strips.
Anyways, it doesn't matter because me Betta died last night. :( I put him in a smaller tank and treated him with medication but I guess he just croaked. Anyways, what should I do with my 5.5 gallon?