My male Panda Platy is dying. Can I save him?

Oct 18, 2011
Miami, FL
He has a snipped tail fin. He is swimming very slow and mostly at the bottom. He has also become very thing.

And a pic of my very simple tank

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Oh he's so cute I want one so bad now. The best thing to do would be to separate him so no other fish can nip at his fins. Make sure that you feed him only in small increments don't feed him too much. but do you make sure that he is eating and keep us updated. Fish tend to heal their fins very quickly. My fish would get nipped fins but they healed within a week


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Your tank doesn't look like it has a lot of hiding places because if it did I would be tempted not to move him because if he is sick the stress of the move could kill him. Are the other fish bothering him and how did he get the snipped tail fin?

Oct 18, 2011
Miami, FL
Your tank doesn't look like it has a lot of hiding places because if it did I would be tempted not to move him because if he is sick the stress of the move could kill him. Are the other fish bothering him and how did he get the snipped tail fin?
I have no idea how his tail got like that. I noticed it about two or three weeks ago but I wasn't worried because he was acting normal. I do not see any other fish bothering him unless they do it once the lights are off.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Buy terra cotta pots and clean them with hot water and let them soak overnight. Fish like to hide in them. There like caves. Fish also nip at each others fins. It happens as a result of a space issue most of the time. Just get some if the pots and lay them in their sides like caves. I was suggesting something small when it comes to separating the platy, such as a breeder net or a tank divider. Not something that would stress him out too much.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
There are bushy plastic or silk plants available - also there are plastic grass mats of various styles. How long have you had these fish and how are your water parameters?


Superstar Fish
Are you sure its fin nipping and not fin rot?? Do you know what your water test parameters are? How long has your tank been going and what is you water change regimen? Sorry for all the questions just trying to help with the fish health so some background and data is required. Also, welcome to the forum Ma'am!

Oct 18, 2011
Miami, FL
Are you sure its fin nipping and not fin rot?? Do you know what your water test parameters are? How long has your tank been going and what is you water change regimen? Sorry for all the questions just trying to help with the fish health so some background and data is required. Also, welcome to the forum Ma'am!
Thank you. I have had this tank for about 4 months. I have not tested the water in a long time and now that I put medicine in it I don't know if that would affect the results. I just changed about 25% of the water a week ago after about two months of not doing it.

I opened a new thread since I cannot update my OP here

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