Need advice! :)


Small Fish
Feb 13, 2012
Hi, I currently have a 10 g. tank and I am looking to get a 20 maybe 30 gallon tank. I prefer to get a 20. I currently have 2 Albino Aeneus Cory Cats. I love the Red/Calico Fantail Goldfish and I love guppy's! I want to get 1 Fantail Goldfish, but I want to know if it would be okay to put guppy's in with the goldfish and if so how many?


Small Fish
Feb 13, 2012
I just want to put 1 goldfish in the tank. I just don't know if the goldfish will pick on the guppy's...
I mean I have had goldfish before.. and I know that they are very peaceful so I think the guppies will be fine. I'm just wondering how many to put in.

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Superstar Fish
My fantails will eat feeders!!! They are hogs, they are in with my Oscars and eat anything they eat. I call them my Ninja Goldfish!!! They were feeders that survived my Red devil, my Jacks Dempsey's, and now have survived with 3 Oscars. I need to find them a home but nobody wants 9"-10" goldfish and my pond keeps getting put off due to life????

Dec 28, 2011
This will not work, the goldfish + guppies. My friend's mom had a tank at there house and it must have had like 50 or so guppies and lots of fry. They also had a separate tank with 2 fantails. Well, her mom wanted only one tank and she was tired of all the guppies so she put the goldfish in the guppy tank. I think it was 3 or 4 days later and there were no guppies left in that tank. So to your answer your question, Goldfish + guppies = noooooo!


Small Fish
Feb 13, 2012
My fantails will eat feeders!!! They are hogs, they are in with my Oscars and eat anything they eat. I call them my Ninja Goldfish!!! They were feeders that survived my Red devil, my Jacks Dempsey's, and now have survived with 3 Oscars. I need to find them a home but nobody wants 9"-10" goldfish and my pond keeps getting put off due to life????
I am not getting 'feeder' size guppies. I would be getting the colorful male guppies with there big fan tails.


Small Fish
Feb 13, 2012
This will not work, the goldfish + guppies. My friend's mom had a tank at there house and it must have had like 50 or so guppies and lots of fry. They also had a separate tank with 2 fantails. Well, her mom wanted only one tank and she was tired of all the guppies so she put the goldfish in the guppy tank. I think it was 3 or 4 days later and there were no guppies left in that tank. So to your answer your question, Goldfish + guppies = noooooo!
I would only get male guppies. So that would not be the case for me.


Superstar Fish
NO,NO, I mean they eat gold fish feeder size things. Like chunks of raw beef heat, sliced hotdogs, ect. Those guppies even with fancy tails will be goldfish snack food as they do not care at all about how fancy the tail is LOL!! The Fantail Goldfish is an omnivore and will eat all types of dried and live foods.


Small Fish
Feb 13, 2012
NO,NO, I mean they eat gold fish feeder size things. Like chunks of raw beef heat, sliced hotdogs, ect. Those guppies even with fancy tails will be goldfish snack food as they do not care at all about how fancy the tail is LOL!! The Fantail Goldfish is an omnivore and will eat all types of dried and live foods.
oh.. okay well I am not so sure about it eating the guppies. I have seen other peoples tanks where they have goldfish and guppies together and they were fine.. I have seen some were the guppies will actually pick and chase the goldfish instead.


Small Fish
Feb 13, 2012
They might be ok if you start the goldfish off as a tiny baby with them. I just know mine do not even think twice about slurping down a goldfish feeder 1.5+" long. Cannibals I say!!!
Lol, okay Well I think I will try with a baby gold fish. I do love both types. if it doesn't work out I'll have to separate them.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Why not put the guppies in the 10g and the goldfish in the 30g?? You will most likely have problems if you put them in the same tank, and we told you that goldfish and ANY TROPICAL fish do NOT mix. It seems like you are trying to change our minds so we can tell you that it's ok. It's not, no matter what other people say. If you're going to ask for advice and do what you want anyway, then go ahead. We warned you.


Small Fish
Feb 13, 2012
Why not put the guppies in the 10g and the goldfish in the 30g?? You will most likely have problems if you put them in the same tank, and we told you that goldfish and ANY TROPICAL fish do NOT mix. It seems like you are trying to change our minds so we can tell you that it's ok. It's not, no matter what other people say. If you're going to ask for advice and do what you want anyway, then go ahead. We warned you.
I'm not disagreeing. I was just saying with all my research I have found that some people are not having any troubles with the 2 types together.
I would put guppies in the 10g tank but I am getting rid of it cause of the age and damage it has and replacing it with the 20g.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Guppies are tropical fish and therefore thrive best in a temp of 75 - 80 degrees and require a heater in the tank. Goldfish are cold water fish and therefore do not require a heater. You can find out more info about this simply be "googling" care for the specific fish you would like to keep, You can,of course, approach this anyway you want, but we are just advising you what is best for the fish.

Dec 28, 2011
It wouldn't matter that they are only males either, my friend's goldfish gobbled up every last one, male or female, old or young. This is just my experience, and in my humble opinion and that of many others we would see it best that you do not mix the two species. As kiara suggested, why don't you put guppies in the 10g and put a goldfish in the 30g?


Superstar Fish
Its not impossible but, its not likely either. Look, I have 3 goldfish with my 3 Oscars!!!??!!! I know its crazy but, some how it works. I am not saying to rush out and try it but, it seems you never hear the stories about how many times it has NOT worked, so sure you hear about the few that did. Its like my situation with the goldfish and Oscars, if I didn't have pics it would be unbelievable. 2011-09-22_18-00-14_513.jpg
Most people that keep fish talk about success with their tanks and not failures. So the few you hear about having luck is like my experience with goldfish and Oscars. Mixing fish like this can be done when they are young but most likely will have an ill aftermath when they start to mature a bit.

Anyway not trying to rain on anyones parade but rather just give advise so one may come up with their own decision as it is truly theirs to make in the end.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Kerry, Imma steal your white butterfly goldfish. It's GORGEOUS!!! Those little cannibals are huge!! I'm less afraid of a piranha..... o_O

I, personally, don't like male guppies. Hence why I only have a small flamingo male that has a round tail for breeding. Males will go after one another if they have large tails. It can happen, and it ruins the look of the guppies. Their tails never grown back quite the same. =/