
have owned some kind of fish all my life. i wouldn't say that i've done right by them - due to different circumstances but am now a devoted beginning enthusiast.
new york


(55):delta tail, crown tail, dwarf gourami, black skirt tetras, card. tetras, glolite tetras, red phantom, sunset wagtail platy, white clouds, otos, am. shrimp, ner. snails, galaxy rasbora, balloon red eye (29):crown tail, veil tail, ch. barb, grn tiger barb, blue agassizi (10):crown tail (m), parish green guppys arg. sword, anubias, cambomba, c. parva, dwarf grass, giant bb tears, hygro kompact, marimo, java fern, water sprite, wisteria, am. sword, anacharis, hornwort, corymbosa, water onion