
i've surrounded myself with animals, as i cannot live without them!!

90g fishtank w/ 6 silver dollars(two are turning 6 yrsold!!), 2 pictus catfish & american freshwater eel(whodini) 45gl octagon w/18yr old calico goldfish, 55gw/whodini's twin Zippy, 15gw/ 4black skirt&4serpia tetras,20gcycling 4planted tetra tank
vancouver, B.C
bqt server


90g: 6 silver dollars,2 pictus catfish& an 18inch american freshwater eel, Whodini.
60g: Whodini's twin eel,Zippy ,plus Gimpy gf
45g oct: 18yr old rescued calico goldfish,Kaily
15g: Kaily lived in for 17 yrs, now is lightly planted w/4 black skirt and 4 serpia tetras,& two tiny snails
20g w/Surviver gf, process of heavely planting for the tetras
4g with femal guppy
40g empty for now
2 lrg dogs & Maxumas Cornlious 4yr old corn snake
See what happens when you quit smoking!