When do Gouramis lay eggs??

Jan 1, 2006
I just bought a gouramis that is so full with eggs(what the fish helper said)that I think she will pop any minute. I was wondering how long they carry eggs and if there is something special I have to do with the tank.Such as temp.,pH, etc.Any info after she lays her eggs will be helpful. this is my first time dealing with a egg layer.when she does lay, how do i know that the eggs are fertilized?is there a way to prevent them from being eaten?if they are fertilized, then when will they hatch?just to let u know, i do have another gouramis in the tank.I think it is a male but im not sure.sorry with all these questions.


Superstar Fish
Mar 14, 2006
Sacramento, California
swordtailraiser said:
I just bought a gouramis that is so full with eggs(what the fish helper said)that I think she will pop any minute. I was wondering how long they carry eggs and if there is something special I have to do with the tank.

Ok well if you have a male gourami of the same species then you will know they will lay the eggs when he is pretty much squeezing her body and pushing eggs out of her. Like Bettas, Gouramis are bubble nesters and the male watches the eggs. Now make sure you have a seperate tank if you plan on keeping the fry because the male will fight anything in anything off to protect the eggs. No strong currents(pretty much none at all) and have some artificial plants so the fry can hide, IMO. Now the eggs will hatch in about a week or sooner and when they hatch take the male away or he will eat them.

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Are you sure that 1: it's a female, and 2: she's not just fat? They really don't get "ripe with eggs" like some of the other eggbearers do (tetras, danios). And, she won't release eggs without a male to spawn with her. The male fertilizes them as he "squeezes" them out. Like UP UP said, the male would have built a bubble nest for the eggs to go into afterwards, and then you would need to remove everything the male could possibly terrorize from the tank, including the female since he will see her as a threat to the eggs.

In short, you really don't breed gouramis accidentally or with only one fish.