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  1. S

    new 50 gallon community tank advice

    thanks for the input guys! omg! i thought SAEs stayed small, like 2 inches or so :eek: think ill stick with the RCS for algae cleaning the room temp here is in the 75-80 F summer, goes upto 85 oh and another thing.. in case of heavily planted tanks, with little substrate seen from...
  2. S

    new 50 gallon community tank advice

    thanks for replying!:) i have a spare sponge filter, so thought i could use it. i think ill go for the external canister instead.. regarding otocinclus i read they are very delicate and need pristine water conditions, so was not sure :rolleyes: as for the lighting, im getting an LED strip...
  3. S

    new 50 gallon community tank advice

    hi everyone, im planning to setup a 50 gal planted community tank for my new apartment living room. ive had some experience with small planted tanks in the past, and presently im having a 7 gallon planted betta tank (with 10 rcs and a siamese algae eater as mates) so for my new tank (36 x 18 x...