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  1. JillBeatDown

    Filter problem

    Hi this is jill again i have 3 platys the one that was in sock was on the floor somehow so i got him to my 3 gallon tank :"( i went down stairs to eat breakfest and when i came back my panda platy got sucked into my dam filter so i called the company that made my tank and he said i need a...
  2. JillBeatDown

    Can someone help me?

    i have these test strips but the thing is it dose not come with a sheet
  3. JillBeatDown

    Can someone help me?

    its a new filter my old one sucked and was not pumping right
  4. JillBeatDown

    Can someone help me?

    new fish new water and yes there are hiding spots for it to hide
  5. JillBeatDown

    Can someone help me?

    Hi there im Jill i found this site because i wanted to know how many fish i can get in a 15g fish tank i Have three platys and today i just moved them from my 3g to my 15g and one of my platys seems like hes sick i added the tetra safestart and he seems to just stay at the bottom of the tank so...