0.5 gallon tank and oxygen levels

How long can one adult guppy and one adolescent guppy fry live in a 2 litre (0.5 gallon) tank for without a filter?

Note: this is by no means a permanent arrangement!

I only ask because yesterday I noticed that my female guppy's tail had spilt and the guppy fry's tail was tinted red, looking a bit irritated. So I put them both in a plastic tank and floated it in my main tank (to keep it at the same temperature). I have added Myaxin to this small tank to treat them for fin rot, or for any other bacteria that might be causing it. My only worry is that, since there is no water movement in this tank, the oxygen level might get too low. Will changing the water once a day, removing poo as I do, be enough to keep the oxygen levels up? I decided to not treat the whole tank because of my pleco...the last pleco I had didn't react well to the protozin medication (or at least I think it was the medication he was reacting badly to).