1 more... the perfect fish what is it?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
hi i need your help deciding on the last fish or frog that should go in my 25 gallon tank. in there now is

2 ottos
3 yo yo loaches
4 penguin tetras
6 tiger barbs
10 neon teras

i had a dawf frog but i died a day after in was in my tank i think i might try another frog but if theres a better fish ill get that.
i need a fish that doenst get to big mixes well with other fish swims around the middle- top of the tank is colourful and is happy by its self what is it?

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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awwww they are the cutest. I am wondering, though, the tiger barbs will probably equal in size, if not bigger, and a honey gouramis might look like an albino tiger barb to them.... Perhaps not a good idea. Besides, honeys are the most docile of gouramis. Are you making this difficult on purpose!! LOL

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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As long as your pH is stable, don't mess with it. By now, the fish in there are adjusted to it, so there is no need to change it. I know at least the barbs and loaches like low pH (so would a gourami).

You can try the swordtails if you really want. Since you have 6 tiger barbs they may not care about the other fish. Just watch them closely.