1 Neon Tetra, wondering if I can add more


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Unfortunately, due to disease, all my neon tetras have died except for one. So I was wondering if I could purchase more (about 4 or 5) and hope that the new neons and the old one will absorb into one school?? Someone told me that if I tried to add more neons while I already had a school that they would stay delegate and not really accept each other. Is this true?? I was thinking about adding more neons and maybe some other types of tetras.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have found that neons and cardinals don't actual school unless they feel threatened. It might be that if you had 15 or 20 in a larger tank - like 55g or larger they would, I don't know, but in a 30g tank they apparently just do their own thing. lol


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I have found that neons and cardinals don't actual school unless they feel threatened. It might be that if you had 15 or 20 in a larger tank - like 55g or larger they would, I don't know, but in a 30g tank they apparently just do their own thing. lol
I have experienced the same thing....my tetra's don't truly school in my 36 gallon tank. Sometimes they swim together and other times they swim alone.
I have added additional tetra's to established "schools" (of the same type) and they seem to be fine with each other. I don't think you will have a problem if you added more.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Thanks guys. I just noticed that my neon was looking a little more stressed out since the others died. But now I'm thinking, should I get more neons or some other type of tetra even though they won't school with the neon?? I just want out to feel more secure. I was also thinking about moving it into the betta tank when I buy some more neons, and then adding maybe some long fin danios for my 10g. Probably in the fry tank though but idk. I don't want my female betta to bully the fast danios.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
my experiance with neons is that they arnt as hardy as they used to be...when petsmart or petco has a 1$ a neon sale i buy a bunch..out of 20 i expect 5 to survive. their reay inbred and not as hardy as they used to be as their mass produced.
and mine always schooed but i had them in a 75g with a bunch of discus so that might be why. aso kept the tank at 82 and i had more luck keeping them alive than in other tanks sitting at 76-78

Feb 27, 2009
their reay inbred and not as hardy as they used to be as their mass produced.
I agree that a lot of the 'popular' fish in the aquarium industry have been ruined by captive breeding on farms. Except for one of my oto species, all fish I've ever had have been wild-caught fish and I've never had issues with unexpected die-offs.

I helped a friend set up a 75 gallon tank and wanted a huge shoal of neon and cardinal tetras. He ordered 48 of each from an importer, and a group of 10 cories.

Tragically, my friend's house was damanged 4 months later in a hurricane, and was without power for weeks. He and I took all the plants out of the tank and spent nearly 5 hours with flashlights and nets catching the fish. We put them all in eight 5 gallon buckets of water with battery powered air pumps (used to keep bait fresh when fishing).

They spent the construction time in an empty 29gallon tank at my house. I used floating plants as a biofilter and a sponge filter from one of my tanks. I had to do daily 30% water changes at first.

Three weeks later, he drained all water from his tank, cleaned everything and started over. He spent a day and a half replanting (plants had lived in his backyard in a 'kiddy pool' for the duration).

Then I filled up the buckets again with his fish. We wanted to know how many had survived the ordeal (its hard to count that many fish in a huge planted tank anyway). 48 cardinal tetras, 48 neon tetras, 10 cory catfish.