10 Gal Betta Tank


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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A 10 gallon with heater is perfect for an adult betta. Make sure to keep the filtration on 'low'

As far as tankmates, Cory cats are good (about 4 or 5 tops) or even a couple african dwarf frogs or otto's for algea.

The idea is that bettas are not social fish, and they can get aggresive towards other tankmates that are at or near their level (mid or top fish), so keep with smaller, bottom-level fish that will not get in his face too much or eat all his food.

Avoid guppies and most tetras (nippy fin fish).


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Great, yes bettas LOVE live plants.... love love love. They do not eat the plants and they like to rest on them and hide for comfort.

Plants are just to varied to suggest, but most depending on the level of light in your tank.

I have java fern and java-moss in my tanks. They look good, do not need a lot of light, and my bettas seem to like it (one likes to rest in the moss like a bed).


Small Fish
Nov 5, 2003
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I agree avoid guppies also mollies and swordfish they also in my experience will harass the betta or will get attacked by the betta.
Also for the plants, there is akind that looks like grass and my betta swims thru the grass and it looks quite cool and lets him hide..
Also a pair of dwarf gouramis would also be good..

well, danios should be fine. a small school of them would be ok (5 or 6?) but the thing is, your betta might chase after them, but after a while, he may give up since he would eventually figure out that he cant get them. so yeah, they should be good. plants i use is java moss, and...ceratopteris thalictroides. i think soft leafy plants would be good since bettas tend to lean and rest on the plants, so the must be soft!

Originally posted by GoldieGirl
I am moving my betta from a 2 gal non-filtered tank to a nice 10 gallon that my goldies are moving out of. What tankmates would be good for my betta boy?
I have a ten gallon with my betta Spongebob and four cories. He sometimes swims with them and they all seem to get along well.

My other ten gallon tank had a betta (RIP) and 3 zebra danios along with a chinese algae eater and before the CAE some upside down catfish. The betta used to chase the danios when they used to bother him but I never saw him get overly aggressive with them.