10 gal nano to 45 gal :)

Jan 4, 2010
North of Dallas Texas
I did it.... made the jump. Not a huge one but I am space confined right now I plan on leaving the 10 set up as a Q-tank. I am currently fishless because when In the process of tearing apart the 10 to find out what was killing my fish I found 6 --- yes that is SIX Mantis shrimp in my live rock and sand. Sorry No picts I took the container to the LFS and they kept it for reference and study. The largest was (uncurled) about an inch long and green in color. Damn things cost me almost 200 bucks in fish. So with new rock from a better larger store and having soaked my old rock outside in a styrofoam container of freshwater for about a week I have started my new 45. I have a voucher for a replacement True Percula Clown but besides that any advice as to what to get for this larger tank? I still like Firefish and Wrasses but now I can go larger. What do you guys think? I also want to have soft corals. and it is a 45 tall.

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Jan 4, 2010
North of Dallas Texas
Love the look of the flame angel and the coral beauty anglefish. I'm 5 gallons shy but what about an Anthias of some sort also if I watch my ratios? will they get along? What happens to my 3" Wrass, Clown and maybe small school of coral cats I was thinking of? If I go this route am I still safe adding one Damsel?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Anthias don't do well in smaller tanks. They really need a larger tank. They're extremely delicate fish.

What kind of wrasse? There are a lot, all with different personalities.

A damsel will always be a problem for any type of timid fish, such as wrasses, firefish, etc.

Jan 4, 2010
North of Dallas Texas
6 line probably... I like the color but if you have any other suggestions I am open to suggestions I currently have two peppermint shrimp and two cleaner shrimp and a small collection of snails and crabs. so I am starting from nada for fish. I do have a voucher for the true percula clown but besides that I'm open to about anything else.