10 gal questions

Nov 25, 2003
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i have 2 concerns about my 10 gal tank:
1) i had an emerald snail. the snail died but there are small white items on the glass that appear to be snails. what can i do to get rid of these?
2) i recently bought some more like rock and there appears to be a small anemone growing on the rock. i have a small tank (10 gal) and don't have the proper lighting for corals and anemones(or i don't think i do). any suggestions?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would assume the small anemone is either aiptasia or a manjano anem. In reef enviroments these are considered nuisances, but I wouldn't fuss to much - if they're the only cnidarians you have, theat's ok. If tey're growing then conditions are obviously to your likiing.
Are you sure you want to get rid of the snails? Why? What about if they're eating nuisance algae for you?
You've likely heard this before, but long term 3 damsels in a ten isn't going to work.