10 gal with 5 gal sump

i switched stuff from my 5 gal to my 10 today. i also added more LR, and a banded coral shrimp. i wanted to make my 5 gallon a little sump type thing i guess.... here is what i have currently.

the above is what i want. i have all the materials, like tubing, and stuff... i just cant for the life of me get the water back to the 10 gallon tank!!! any ideas?

also.... could i keep fish and corals in the ten, and fish below in the 5?

Last edited:
Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
You do NOT want two pumps to run your system. It is impossible to match two pumps, even if they are the same exact type. Devise an overflow of some kind instead, it will work much better...you might even have to remove what is in the 10 and drill it. Just run one pump to return water to the ten, and have the ten overflow to the five.

You could keep fish in the 5 if you want, but why not just keep them in the display tank?

i was actually just thinking i would want maybe a couple hermits, and snails in the 5 gallon to help with whatever is growing on the LR. and have the mantis i am planning on in the ten. thqats a good idea wihthe overflow... but how would i get the water back to the 10? thats where i ran into a wall yesterday. i have an idea for the overflow. can it be a piece of tubing with mesh over the end?i can place it so that if the power goes out when the water gets too low, the syphon stops. i just dont know how to return the water to the 10.


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sterling Heights, MI
Back in the days of the first inexpensive wet/dry systems we used nothing but powerheads for the return pumps.
They were less expensive than sump-type pumps and you could hook up a sponge filter to the intake of the powerhead.
My large wet/dry, 15 years ago, came with an AquaClear 802 powerhead for the pump. It pumped extremely well and there was never a problem finding parts for it.


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sterling Heights, MI
yahoofishkeeper said:
i was wondering if i could do a DSB in the 5 gallon tank since i only have about 1.5 inches in the 10 gal? i really dont want to go screwing with the 10 again. and thanks for all your help through PMs lou.
Not a problem.
I have no problems sharing my DIY experience that 15 years in SW and over 20 years in freshwater has taught me. I have learned from making a lot of mistakes. I still make mistakes. If you are not making mistakes then you are not trying hard enough! *laughingc
I will send you the stuff on making the overflow box as soon as I get a chance.... Thanks for being so patient with an old dude.


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sterling Heights, MI
yahoofishkeeper said:
thats pretty cool lou... but whats the purpose of the outside box?
It regulates the flow of water out of the tank. Sort of insurance that you only get what you need. It also increases the amount of surface that the water is exposed to.
You can also attach a foam cover over the plumbing fitting on the bottom of the overflow to grab all of the big stuff.
I do not really care for foam in a SW tank as it has a tendency to harbor nitrates. If you take out the foam and wash it in SW you will get rid of big junk and not ruin any bacteria that may have built up in the foam.