10 Gallon 2 Gourami


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2003
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A 10 gal. is plenty of room for 2 dwarfs, but I would not get 2 because the stronger one will likely pick on the weaker one. This is my experience, anyway. It's OK to have 1 dwarf or groups of 3 or more, but not 2. Also, the more similar they look, the better they will get along with each other. They will still nip at each other and "face off," but no harm will come of it as long as each can hold it's own. If one is noticeably smaller or a different color than the majority, it may get singled out and picked on. As far as health is concerned- Dwarfs are sometimes known to die for "no particular reason," and are said to be prone to fungal problems, but I think they are worth the trouble personally.

Also, the above information applies to Dwarf gouramis ONLY. Most other kinds of gouramis are very aggressive toward their own species, and you wouldn't want to keep more than 1 of them. Also, some may get too big for a 10 gallon, but dwarfs are fine.

You could also have 2 pearl gouramis in a 10. They are mild-mannered, but somewhat bigger than dwarfs, so if you have 2 pearls there won't be room for much else.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2003
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I've never had rasboras, but I think it would be OK as long as they are only about 1" apiece. It would work out to about 1" of fish per gallon.*thumbsup2 Be careful not to add all those fish at once though. I've made the mistake of stocking too fast before, and nitrite went sky high from the sudden increase in waste (it will happen even in a tank that is cycled). I would add maybe 3 rasboras first, and when the nitrite goes down, add a couple more fish at a time until fully stocked. If you put the gourami in first, he will get used to having the tank to himself, and may "challenge" new inhabitants until he gets used to them. When all is said and done, they should all live peacefully though.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Dwarf gouramis are great for 10 gal. tanks. IMO you should get just one, then you can also get a few other fish, like rasporas or anything else you like! Cories are also a great adition to any tank :) Have fun with it! =)


Superstar Fish
Yes, I'd have to agree:) Perhaps a dwarf gourami and a school of rasboras. I like the scissortails in my tank (they are a lovely silvery contrast to the gouramis) but Harlequins or Espes would also look really cool. It's up to you, obviously. Harlequins stay smaller than scissortails, but I really like how the scissortails look when light hits them - plus they swim really neat! Also, each of those rasboras are great indicators of water quality...the black on them fades when the parameters are less than perfect.