I have a ten gallon with a power head filter. I have two female platys and 3 eaneus corys. Its well planted and I want to get a pair of dwarf gouramis but I dont want to get rid of my two platys. So I was thinking of getting one dwarf gouramis. The tank has been set up and cycled for about 3 months now. The corys are still small about one inch. The platys are full grown. I do a vaccuming and 30% water change every week. Do you think it would be safe to put a male dwarf gourami in there? would you do it? Or would you put something else in there or nothing and keep it how it is?
oh and the water paremetres are ph:7 amonia:0 nitrAte/nitrIte:0
oh and the water paremetres are ph:7 amonia:0 nitrAte/nitrIte:0