10 gallon and a bit cloudy

May 9, 2010
i have a ten gallon aqu. it is a bit cloudy. i have changed the filter. did a parchal water change.
what makes the water cloudy? what do i do next?
i tested my water all checks out good.. so kind of stumped and what to do to make my water clear. can you help me? thank u..


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
What compounds did you test for?

Based on the limited information provided, I'd guess you were a little too aggressive with your filter cleaning and wiped out a sizeable chunk of your biological filter, which is now reestablishing itself. Cloudy water is pretty much always a bacterial bloom, which is almost always caused be an over abundance of some nutrient (generally ammonia or nitrite). What are your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels?

May 9, 2010
cloudy water a bit

ammonia 0
nitrate 0
ph 6.8

i was a month over do in changing the filter.. so i don't change that every month on the dot.

also last year i was told to use the nutrafin cycle biological aquarium supplemt to get my bacteria started. so did that and got it all going good. so next question when u do partical water changes do u add this all the time or once bacteria is all built up stop using it????

the water is clearing up slowly but what do i do to get a sparkle clean water??


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
It'll clear up on its own over time.

Bottled "supplements" are all pretty worthless in my opinion, but even if they do work as the manufacturers claim, you only need to add it initially, not repeatedly.

What do you mean by "changed" the filter? Are you swapping out _all_ the filter media? If so, stop doing that.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
The beneficial bacteria are in the filter and you really want to maintain that. Your tank is not cycled until you show 0ammonia, 0 nitrites and 5-10 nitrates. pH is not a part of that and not something usually to be concerned with.

Jul 4, 2011
well, maybe you overfed your fish so maybe thats why the water is cloudy. anyway what ever happened just try and empty the tank and put fresh water in and run it for an hour and see what happens!

May 9, 2010
cloudy water

as u asked:::Just take the old filter and wash it out in used tank water - don't replace it entirely. With 0 nitrates, your tank hasn't cycled yet . . . . Don't use the supplement with your water changes . . . .

i took the old filter out and and did wash it out in used tank water when i did a parchal water change. that is when i noticed that the water was getting cloudy cause i was using the old filter over for 2 months. so when i bought a new filter i rinced it out in the old tank water.
when u asked what my water was reading all was ok... forgot to add the nitrates to the list but it was in range also.
i just believe that you should change the filter once in a while ???
this form told me to buy that bio stuff to build my bacteria up. would u be different ppl now from last year? cause now you say buying bottles of stuff isn't that good??? im a bit confused..lol..
ok thank u.... so when do u notice when u have to use it again? how do u know when your bacteria goes away if it does?
thanks much.. :O

May 9, 2010
cloudy water

well, maybe you overfed your fish so maybe thats why the water is cloudy. anyway what ever happened just try and empty the tank and put fresh water in and run it for an hour and see what happens!
question::: u say empty the tank??? why would i want to do that? than i have to wait for it to recycle which is about a week?? if i'd do that, won't i kill all that i have built up?????


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
Most of the good bacteria are on the sufaces in the tank, not in the water itself (but don't let those surfaces dry out)

As for your filter, if your tank readings are good and it's not an ammonia/nitrite bloom, then let the filter do it's job, which is not just as a bacterial element, but also a crud cleaner. And crud cleaners work better when they get a bit "sticky" - a squeaky clean filter takes less solids out. Three stage filters are great at this, as you can clean one stage at a time, though I appreciate in a tank that size you're probably running a single sponge.

The advice of feeding less is good - just be patient and let the filter get back up to running condition.

If it was me - I'd stop feeding for two days - and take it from there (that way you are at least not adding to it.

(and periodically test your test kit - they can give cranky readings sometimes ........ those silly test strips are way off accurate, but they can and do eleiminate any doubt)

PS - that "bottled cycle" is unreliable .... depends on how it was stored at the shop - how fresh it is - and if that's your problem in the first place ..... too many variables for too much money. You could take what you're spending on that stuff and buy another uncycled filter to run just to take the cloud out if and when it happens.

May 9, 2010
a year ago when i posted i was having problems with my aquirium not getting the bacteria built up i was told on here to use :nutrafin cycle biological aquarium supplemt to get my bacteria started
i bought it and it worked.. :)
that is y i was wondering if you ppl change or have been on here for years?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
"If" - it's fresh stock

"If it's kept at the right temperature at the shop and in transit"

It "can" work - but I can't recommend it just on that basis - it works for some people - for others it doesn't ....... so how can we say "sure" ?

And yes - we change - everywhere does - but good advice will always be the same