10 gallon death trap can cons survive read away


Medium Fish
Jun 6, 2005
thibodaux, la
Ok I have a 55 gallon cichild tank.Of course who doesnt lol .
Well my 6 inch jd is attacking my already breeding pair of cons.My friend has a 10 gallon tank that was a death tank the last time we set it up everything we put in the tank died well I cleaned it several times. but can I put a breeding pair of cons in a 10 gallon tank minimum setup of course. The last time I put cons in a 10 gallon the frys hatched then the male killed the female and ate all the fry. I dont want that to happen again. I just dont want act hastily and release the cons in the bayou and not see them get eaten by the jd. The tank that was quoted as the death tank i had orginally put my electric yellow and johanni in the tank and then they didnt like the tank so I moved them back into my 55 and they both died within a hour of re entry into the 55 so thats why I called it the death tank. My friend then decided to save some crawfish from a crawfish boil. (ya I live in Cajun Land) and put them in the tank that didnt work out either lol. Ok im done post away on my misfortunes. lol.

Jul 23, 2004
Visit site
okay, is the 10 gallon cycled? if not theres your problem probably. if so, i have in the past and probably gonna catch some heat over this one, but successfully kept and bred cons in a ten with an electric yellow and 3 ottos in the tank as well, limited space, but they bred successfully until the fry became freeswimming i never took anyone out of the tank, so nature took its course. so maybe if the tank is fully cycled, you'll be okay. if not, theres got to be another solution. sorry i cant be of more help,



Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
how big are the cons? i've heard of people breeding cons in 10g with mixed results, IMO 10g is just too small for a pair of cons and fry, but i guess if others have tried it and it worked, why not you.

It never hurts to give it a try. Make sure you clean the tank with water and at the most, salt. Said tank should soak and be flushed for a while to make sure nothing nasty is still in there. Take care to clean under the lip or frame of the tank as I've noticed things can get trapped under there.
As mentioned, be sure the tank is cycled before putting anything in the tank that you want to keep alive. If you're short on time it's wise to use an already cycled filter, if you've got any extras hangin on any of the other tanks use it. For this purpose I always have an extra filter on most of my tanks and believe me it's a real time, life, headache saver.
And lastly, why not use a tank devider on the 55??? I would assume this would be the cheapest and most convenient way of keeping your JD from attacking your cons. There's much more room in a devided 55 for a pair and fry than in a 10gl anyway.


Medium Fish
Jun 6, 2005
thibodaux, la
The cons are 4 inches male and 3 inches female the normal cons not those stupid pink ones. Um Ive tried a 10 before and the male killed the female I guess too much sex can kill a female. lol. A divider does seem like a good soloution but then my tank wont look as good maybe I should just send the mating pair into the bayou outside my house. Its the cajun way I only say that because If anyone of yall are from louisiana the canals are full of oscars and the bayous are full of a fish that the locals call sockitele but it def resembles a texas cichild or even a severum kinda weird huh


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2005
Ankeny, Iowa
I'm definately with straitjacket on the divider, at least as a temporary solution. I am absoloutely opposed to releasing exotics into native waters, that's how we aquarists loose our rights to certain types of fish. Isn't there an LFS that will take them? a friend? an aquaitenance?

Once Caught, Once Bought, never returned.

Don't contribute to stupidity and irresponsibility by releasing them into the wild. It's very irresponsible, unnecessary, and illegal.
There are several species of fish which have been deemed illegal to own in certain states (google snakehead) due to careless idiot fishkeepers who set the free in nearby ponds, rivers, lakes, etc. The same is true of aquarium plants. Introduced species compete and displace species native to those waters. It's just wrong. You can't justify doing it yourself by saying that "they did it too" either.
Please, look into giving them to a friend, someone who wants an already breeding pair of cons, or your lfs. You might get credit from them too but don't expect it.