10 gallon Frogfish tank!

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Long story short, I Have wanted one of these fish for a long long long time. This will be a journal that will document the whole expirience of owning one of these fish. I have the species chosen and every thing, I am going to order a wartskin frogfish. But first i need to get this tank set up an cycled, I am going to buy about 20-30 lbs of liverock for this tank. This tank is going to be a 20 high rather than a 10 gallon do to tank requirments on the frog.
ebo jagger(sp.) 50 watt heater
ac70 chaeto fuge
maxi jet 900(have an extra if I need to up the flow, I doubt I will)
96 watt 20" coral life aqualight with mounting legs.

Things I need to get In order:
LR, 3-5lbs
clean up crew
some type of feeder fish(probably damsels)
the frogfish

I will be posting pics of the progress of this tank step by step.

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ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
The frog fish wont be hard to take care of, or take pics of... Try taking a pic of a less than an inch mantis that is zipping around a tank, hardest thing ive ever done. I plan to raise corals in this tank, alot of corals, mainly zoanthids but i might have some lps eventualy.The frog fish wont eat snails or the like, i plan to have no hermits in the tank since all they do is sit there and nock things over. The tank is also going to be bare bottom to help with cleaning, ill have pics later on tonight

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Wont be for a while though, I have to suck all the water out and put in ro, turns out even the water that i drink from the fridge is bad quality, I woke up to diatom algae starting in that tank with not liverock in it.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Update, after talking to some people on grimreefers, those people and I have come to a conclusion that a 10 is too small for a wartskin frog fish, So I will just be moving the tank size up to 20 gallons, This will give more room for the frog to move were it wants when it wants, I am going to get a 20H since the light will still fit with the mounting legs. I also need to get a protein skimmer for the tank, and alot more live rock than I already have, luckly I know a LFS that has some Ok prices on LR, the skimmer will need to be ordered. I will probably have the tank buy this weekend and liverock in a month or so. Kinda sucks that it is going to be going so slowly, but if its better for the frogfish in the long run I would rather do it right.

Edit: i talked with my parents today about setting up this tank, they said to wait until i get a job, and thats what im going to do, this tank is probably not even going to be set up this year, maybe not next year... The reason is the feeding of this fish will cost alot, along with the equipment just to set up the tank, also the care the fish is going to need, i just have to many things to do during school to have this tank set, not the brightest person when it comes to academics, so i realy need to focus on my grades rather than a new tank, i also have extra football practice now since my coach wants to play a new position wich im going to have to work at. long story short im just gonna haave to wait a while to get this tank set up, so for now im just gonna stick with my 2.5 mantis tank

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