Ok in my 10 gallon i currently have, 2 albino and 2 peppered corys, I have a pleco algae eater which will be gone soon and an acei cichlid and 1 danio left. Could i add a small schooling fish to livin things up, the bottom is the only active part. Everything stays down there even the cichlid. Could i add in maybe a small school of Neon's or Glowfish? or could i add 1 male Betta? None of the fish would bother him all stay in the own, the catfish and pleco stay in the middle and toward the back and the acei roams the log and cave. I do a 50-75% water change a week, would it be ok to add either a male or female betta? if not could i add a small tiny school of either neons or glowfish?