10 gallon- More fish wanted


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ok in my 10 gallon i currently have, 2 albino and 2 peppered corys, I have a pleco algae eater which will be gone soon and an acei cichlid and 1 danio left. Could i add a small schooling fish to livin things up, the bottom is the only active part. Everything stays down there even the cichlid. Could i add in maybe a small school of Neon's or Glowfish? or could i add 1 male Betta? None of the fish would bother him all stay in the own, the catfish and pleco stay in the middle and toward the back and the acei roams the log and cave. I do a 50-75% water change a week, would it be ok to add either a male or female betta? if not could i add a small tiny school of either neons or glowfish?

Feb 27, 2009
What happened to the other danios?

If you rehomed the pleco and the cichlid, you could fill in the school with 4 more danio, but you'd be a bit overstocked. Or rehome also the danio, and get 5 neon tetras. Or rehomed the pleco, cichlid and danio, and get ONE male or ONE female betta.

As it stands, you are massively overstocked (300%+). Don't add anything else for the health of your fish without taking those others out.

Just my 2cents.

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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Hmmmm ok well tonight the danio was rehomed, i hopefull will be rehoming the Pleco soon but the Acei has to stay, he is just to cute. So right now as it stands it has 4 cory cats, pleco and the Acei. What can i add. Give me every possibility OC :)

Feb 27, 2009
Hmmmm ok well tonight the danio was rehomed, i hopefull will be rehoming the Pleco soon but the Acei has to stay, he is just to cute. So right now as it stands it has 4 cory cats, pleco and the Acei. What can i add. Give me every possibility OC :)
If by Acei cichlid you mean Pseudotropheus acei, no, I cannot recommend you add anything to your 10 gallon tank. They should be kept in a larger aquarium and in groups, not alone. Just because something is "[too] cute" does not make it right for your tank, sorry. There are a lot of fish I'd like to have personally, but as my largest tank is 29 gallons, I'm limited at this time.

What happened to the rest of your danios?

Just my 2cents.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
well, im not quite sure actually. Its odd, yesterday i woke up and i decided to look at the fishys close to the tank and i only could find 1 of the danios, i searched the whole tank top to bottom and cleaned the filters, not a single sign of nothing (i have 3 filters in the tank) So if i took the Pseudotropheus acei back, what would be my possibilitys?
Regarding my new betta tank, Felix (my new male betta) has only eaten 1-2 flakes last night before bed and 5 mins ago thats all he ate as well, my other bettas would eat and eat, why isnt he eating correctly or is he?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Some bettas don't eat much. I currently have six male bettas (all listed in my sig by name) and some of them are little piggly-wigglies and others will only eat a little bit. As long as he doesn't look like he's getting thin or losing color, he'll be fine eating one or two flakes. Try giving him frozen (thawed) bloodworms once a week as a treat. He'll adore you for it. As soon as my bettas see "the cup" (an old betta cup I use to thaw the bloodworms in), they go crazy!


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I put some Bloodworms and Brine shrimps in there and you'l never belive it. He actually spit it out, the only thing he eats is his betta flakes, which he has increased on the amount he eats. Maybe he was full the day i got him idk. But thanx for the help :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have had bettas that spit out the bloodworms unless they're literally handfed them, not just dumped into the tank. I got bitten a couple of times, though (didn't hurt, but it wasn't pleasant either), so now I feed them with tweezers and they don't fail to snarf the bloodworms. Most of them aren't fans of the brine shrimp anymore, though.

It could have been that Felix was just adjusting to his new surroundings and that's why he didn't eat very much. :)