10 gallon nano

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
i have been bittem by the bug. i have been sick for the past to days with the flue and thought what my ten gallon tank would look like as a reef. now i wan tot turmn it into one. i am going to wait till we move and i have to get rid of ht e things in the tank. or wait till x mass and get anopther ten gallon. for x mass i plan on gettting an one of those overly priced ro units. for the ten gallon i am just planning things out right now. for the ten i wnat to have klots of zoos and when i say lots i mean tons of them! i also plan to have a gobby and pistol shrimp pair! any suggestions for this tank for the distant future?


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Hey Ram, that sounds like a pretty good plan. I think a firefish would be neat too, if you decide to add another fish.

Also, with the R/O unit, I'd save the money and look around in grocery stores and Wal-marts to see if they have RO/DI vending machines for water. I've found the best places are the expensive health conscious stores, the organic grocery stores. That's where I get my RO/DI. All I do is fill up a 3 gallon container about once a week and that keeps me set for top offs as well as water changes.

With the money you save on the ro unit you can get some wicked sweet zoos. Also, have you looked into joining the reef club in your area? If Scottsdale doesn't have one, I'm sure Phoenix would.

I've been hooked up with two kinds of zoo polyps and a wide range of mushrooms, as well as some gorgonia too once I can frag my GSP again. You should be able to get a lot of different zoos in a club.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
thanks lordroad!

im been fasinated for a while on relationships with 2 different organisms. i also like zoos. how much is the ro water at health stores per gallon. and its not my money its my bank... i meen dads money. he doesnt want to admit it but i know he likes the mantis shrimp. he tried acting all tuff at aquatouch and said it doesnt look that tough. they put in a volcanic shrimp and POW! now he thinks it is cool.