10 Gallon Nightmare


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2012
I've had my ten gallon tank for ages, its cycled and contains tetras (neons(3) and black skirts(3)). We also have one chinese algae eater in it. Total fish : 7

We have hard water, but they have been in it for a while and no big deal. Well, since joining this forum- I have had an urge to plant the tank. I visit LFS and buy a beginner bulb (I know one of them is onion, the others I have forgotten) and one half grown anubias nana.

Next day- we have ich. So I put the blue chemical in. Next day- none of the black skirts have tails- its like they were bitten off. I removed the algae eater, and turned the filter off(my little tailless dudes keep getting stuck on it). The ich is gone. (one week of treatment)

So. My levels are all normal. 0 on ammonia and nitrites. Nitrates are between 0-5ppm. pH is 7.6. (Which is normal for my water)

Here is what I am thinking happened. Is is possible the plants brought in the disease? Then the algae eater sensed weakness and became aggressive and bit off tails? It seems more likely to me than thinking that I somehow got fin rot AND ich all from plants?

BTW, I removed the plants and they are in a pitcher of gravel and old fish tank water (from the water changes). I am scared to put them back in the tank with my remaining three fish.

Feb 27, 2009
Adding plants from anywhere that has had fish can carry the risk of spreading disease. Ich needs a host to survive so quarantining plants for 5-7 days is a good idea.

I would rehome the 'Chinese Algae Eater' for your set-up though. They grow more and more aggressive as they get larger, and grow too large for a 10 gallon tank. Just my opinion.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I no longer keep chinese algae eaters due to issues such as yours. I have read reports of them attaching to the sides of fish and sucking the slime coat off although I have not seen this myself. I have had soem aggression from them and they do not do much for algae as far as I can tell.
Good luck.


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2012
Thanks so much for the replies.

I have taken the algae eater out of the tank, my three remaining fish are doing ok, and the tailless guys are getting better I think. Everyone ate this morning (I have taken feeding to every two to three days since the filter is off until they are strong swimmers again) so thats a good sign I think.

Trouble with the plants carrying the disease is that the anubia was bought in gel on the shelf (not from their tank) and the other plants were dry bulbs. Its troublesome.