10 gallon planted tank stocking


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
So for my 10 gallon i wanna do live plants. For my fish im not sure what i want but i know i want to do 5 Cherry Shrimp as soon as my tank is cycled for sure. What would go good with cherry shrimp, i dont like fish that hide all the time and i dont want a livebearer because all the babys will live hiding in the plants and il be overstocked in a week lol. I was thinking tetra's but they worry me about bullying the shrimp as my Black Skirts bullied everything alive. I dont want Neon's because there just to "fake" looking as are glofish. Danios are old news and there to active so id prefer not to use those either but other than that im open for suggestions :)

Nov 5, 2009
Oto's would do very well with some shrimp. maybe a few pygmy corys too. a dwarf gourami would be nice but they may eat em. they would definitely eat the shrimp fry but you would probably be ok with adult shrimp not getting eaten.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I have a good idea about stocking now from a member here. 5 Red Minor Tetra's, 3-4 Oto's and 5 Red Cherry Shrimp.

Anyone know some good plants, i want some that have big broad leaves then i want somewith some small leaves and lots of them and then id like something that will just take alot of the substrate over and possible some rockwork too.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Sword plants have pretty big leaves and I've been using them as background plants. I really don't do anything to make them grow either. A lot of people say they're grow more with root tabs, but I do literally nothing and in six months mine is almost grown out of my tank. Anaracharis is a good small leaf plant that also grows fast with little to no work, but I like to cut off the tops and plant them elsewhere in my tank when they reach the surface of the water.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Thats what id ro Ryanoh, cut the tip of and replant. Id like to eventually replace all my face plants in my 5.5 gallon with live but idk if i can with those dad blasted snails infesting every surface they can reach. I will NEVER get pond snails again!

Ive hear several different things but would Dwarf Hairgrass do good if i add in a little bit of plant food cause ive heard they need CO2 and then i heard there the easiest plant to get to grow.

I will definetly get some Java Fern and some Anarchis.