10-gallon Revival


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have an old 10-gallon tank that I’ve set back up & I’m going to take to work.  It’s been sitting for a while now with just 1 plant in it.  (I had 2 of this particular plant & they took over my 29-gallon tank.  Not wanting to waste it, I tossed it into the littler tank.)

Anyway, I wanted to get some opinions on what fish to get.  I was thinking small since the plant is all over & would restrict larger fish.

I was thinking 4 emperor tetras, 4 gold tetras, 4 blue tetras, 4 pencil fish, & 2 ottos.

Do y'all think this is too much fish for too little tank?  I could obviously cut down on the numbers involved quite easily.



Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Pennsylvania, USA
White clouds are active, pretty, and easy. They're also very small and a school of 10 looks good. Oto and Cory, especially dwarf (like C. Hastatus, C. Harbrosus, & C. Pygmaeus), would go well with them. Use 3 of each as they like to school too. If you want it more subdued, use a pair or 4 of other kinds of small fish. Harlequin Rasbora can be a nice, easy and cheap school. I like the Betta idea also. Maybe with a pair of Cherry Barbs, 2 Three Lined Pencil fish, a pair of Emperor, a pair of Rams, and 3 Cory & 3 Oto. By the way, when I say pair, I mean 1 male & 1 female. Just in case you thought I meant two of either. Hope this helps.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
southern Ohio
how about a trio (or a few more) of nice quality guppies, a few cories, and a mystery snail or two?  Sounds nice to me  *twirlysmiley*   The Betta and Cories sounds nice too...but the guppies would give a little more excitement...baby guppies!!!....Hmm...I may have to set one up myself....see what you people do to me!!!  You are all bad influences!!!!  AHHHHH!!!!!!



Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah, I guess 18 (I should have counted better & thought a bit more rationally) before I started spouting out numbers of fish.

The cories sound nice.  I haven’t had any in years.

I currently have 2 bettas in small a small tank & bowl.  I’m sure one of them would be more than happy to upgrade.  That’s definitely a thought.

Those other small fish suggestions are good as well.  I’ve head of most of them, but not all.  I recently found a really nice LFS, so I’ll have to check it out.

After the stories I’ve heard about guppy multiplication, I’m not sure if I’m up to that much amusement.  :)

Thanks for the feedback all.