10 Gallon Split Betta Tank


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I heard that people had great success with a Betta in a split 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if I could split my fry tank and make 5 gallons of it a home for a male VT Betta. Could this work?? I already stocked up on food that Bettas eat, ex. BettaMin, Blood Worms, etc. I even have some Java Moss, and later I will plant some Betta Plants (plants with leave specificly designed for holding Bettas). Please tell me, SOON!! I saw this BEAUTIFUL male Halfmoon Delta Tail Beta!! I will have a sponge filter and a 75 watt heater in the tank. I do have a tank divider present and I'm ready for a Betta to join my life.:D

Oct 29, 2010
Just make sure that the top is fitted securely so that he cannot jump out of the tank or in with your fry (although he'd probably enjoy the second option!) :)

Edit: Also, "Betta Plants" are generally just apongeton bulbs, and several posters on here have had trouble getting these to sprout. Many people recommend hornwort or elodea as easy floating plants that betta can use as a bed, although apongetons will work well for that purpose too ;D

Oct 15, 2010
^Exactly. If your local craft store sells plastic craft mesh (they should!) you can cut that until it fits over the betta portion of the tank. You can cut a SMALL square out of the corner so that feeding is easy.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Well, you know... What the heck!! I'll just dedicate the whole 10 gallon tank to the Betta!! In about 4-6 weeks my filter will be cycled (currently cycling in my community tank) and then I'll set my tank up, buy some Betta food, and then I'm taking my friend to my lfs so she can pick out the Betta. She gets to name it and everything. I'm doing this because she really wants a fish but her parents won't let her get one. She used to have a couple of Neon Tetras, but her little brother broke the filter and the fish died. She says that she wants either a red and black, or red and blue, halfmoon, crowntail, delta tail, or veil tail Betta. As soon as she gets him, he'll be my avatar.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Yep!! I heard that Betts can sometimes lie peacefully with platies and neon tetras. Is this true?? If it is then I will probably put some of my future platy fry in there.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Be careful with the fin nipping. Keep an eye on how the betta reacts. Have an alternative ready to go at the drop of a hat. Females are supposed to be safer in community tanks than males. If everything worked perfectly in your tank, about the same time your fry are ready to outgrow your 5 gallon section would be the time they're too big for the betta to eat them.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Ok, thanks!! My friend has 2 male bettas in a 10 gallon tank. I'm not saying that I'm going to do this, but they get along fine and don't fight. Cam this happen?? I spent the night at her house for 3 days but they never fought. They're fins are untouched and they are beautiful. She said on rare occasions that me bettas can live in he same tank together, but again, it's extremely rare.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Ok, thanks!! My friend has 2 male bettas in a 10 gallon tank. I'm not saying that I'm going to do this, but they get along fine and don't fight. Cam this happen?? I spent the night at her house for 3 days but they never fought. They're fins are untouched and they are beautiful. She said on rare occasions that me bettas can live in he same tank together, but again, it's extremely rare.
Years ago I had two male bettas in a community 33g. They didn't seem to recognize that the other was a betta. But I knew very little about fishkeeping at that point, and in my recall, the bettas spent most of their time hiding in separate corners of the tank, so they were probably scared of everyone else in that tank. After several months, however, they did 'find' each other - fortunately I was there to move one before they killed each other.
Not a good idea to try. Not meant to be. In a tank, a weaker fish has nowhere to escape like they do in nature. We've all seem cute videos of lions adopting baby gazelles, but that is the rarity. Many, many gazelles were harmed in the making of that clip ;)


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
laura, like I said earlier. I was there for a few days and they were swimming past each other, no hiding included. They are the only fish in the tank. I'm not proving you wrong or correcting you, but this is what I saw. Also, I loved that movie with the lioness and gazelle calf!!

Oct 29, 2010
I think she's saying the betta have been living together for three years. And I think that sticks with what everyone says about betta - different personalities.

Eg, some kill snails, some can't be kept with guppies, but I guess these two are just spectacularly unagressive! Three years with no nipped fins is proof to me, although it isn't something I'd risk myself.