10 gallon stocking plans?

Jul 13, 2011
hi, i have a panda corydora in a 2 gal right now(i know it needs a bigger tank and be in a school of at LEAST 4, but when i got it i was a stupid begginer who didn't do any reaserch), anyway i am getting a 10 gallon sometime soon and i want to put my corydora in it along with 3 more, but i was wondering... would there be space for more fish? for example if i wanted to add a male betta OR a school of ember tetras? or any other fish(please suggest). thanks to all!


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; You may gain some useful information from a thread I started some months ago titled Stocking Density Opinion in the freshwater general discussion section of this forum. One consensus so far appears to be that it is best to start slow when new to the hobby. Folks with experience learn how to stock at higher densities, but at some increased risk of problems.


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2011
I've got a setup similar to what you are considering. It's been going great since the beginning (about 4 months ago).

A betta MAY have aggression issues with other fish but not as much with corys since they'll stay near the bottom and the Betta will stay up top. Some Bettas are completely chill and don't mind but others may be an issue. If you get a Betta keep an eye on him and make sure he isn't bullying anybody. But again I don't think it would be much concern with just Cory Cats.

Certain tetras that stay around an inch or so in size would be a good idea or maybe a few guppies. If you go the guppy route make sure to have all males or all females if you don't want guppy fry.

Welcome to the forum and good luck on the tank!!

PS: My tank is slightly overstocked so I would recommend going as much as I have but if you really take care of them and do frequent water changes you could manage it.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
While bettas need to go to the top for air, I have found that they are as much on the bottom of my tanks as they are near the top. In fact one in my community tank tends to stalk the grass mat and I believe that is the main reason I have seen no fry recently. The two females in a community tank are always in the grass mat in that tank. Both mollies and bettas do a lot of scrounging all over the tank, as do the platies and serpeas.

May 8, 2011
is really depends on how you keep the fish. a small school of cardinal tetras would bring nice color to the tank but they are unfortunately prone to illness in a smaller tank i lost all of mine to whitespot in just 3 days but if you do a water change every week you should be fine
good luck :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I would go with some male Guppies or a Betta. The male Guppies are funny though because every now and again they might try to breed with each other and at the very last moment realise that they are all males and look offened. lol My Platy and Guppy do that to each other.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
I'm a fan of the tera idea, but it woulf be over-stocking... With any of the live bearers, be prepared for a population hike, and the care of the fish after they grow up. I started with 4 guppies in a10g... S soon I had to move them to a29g because I ran out of room...