10 Gallon Stocking Suggestions


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
What would you suggest for stocking a 10 gallon tank with bettas(not entirely) and other fish.
Thanks for the input guys!:eek:

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
No guppies. If you are stocking bettas in the tank, definitely no guppies. And make sure you only get female bettas if you are placing multiple bettas in the tank. All males would kill each other. But if you decide on female bettas, you must be patient while they select a pecking order. I believe mollies would work with bettas.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
Thank you littletankbigworld!
What if there were no bettas at all, then what could you put in there?


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2009
I like having gourami myself they are abit aggressive to each other because they are territorial and they say to have only one but I have a golden and a blue dwarf and they pick at each other some but nothing major my golden one did kill another golden one that was about half his size but again I think that was because they were the same sub species but I also have them in a 20g so there is more space for them to set up gang turfs hahaha, tetras are always fun aswell as danios/minnows and all like to be in groups of atleast 6 and are pretty when they swim as a group

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Well, it really depends on which type of gournamis you get...Dwarf gournamis grow to be 2 inches long, while other types grow to be 24 inches long, which is way too big for your tank. In my opinion, I wouldn't place gournamis in your tank since it is so small. You could maybe put one in, but that wouldn't be very interesting. I agree that a school of tetras would be really nice. I like cardinal tetras a lot.

Also, I just read that sometimes molly fish do not do so well with bettas, so for future information, that may or may not be a good idea.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
The ideal 10gallon set up for me would be 6 tetras or SMALL rasboras (any of the microrasboras or something like harlequins, some types get quite big), or another small shoaling type like white cloud mountain minnows. Then, I'd have a few bottom feeders, perhaps a few cory cats or a couple of otos, and one centrepiece, maybe a dwarf gourami or betta.

Since there isn't much space to play around with in a 10 gallon it's probably easier to tell you what to avoid:

Fish that reproduce like mad - mixed sex groups of guppies, platies, swordtails, mollies.
Aggressive/territorial/nippy fish (tiger barbs, convict cichlids etc)
Fish with an adult size bigger than 2 or 3 inches.
Fussy fish, as small volumes of water are harder to maintain than bigger ones and if something goes wrong it can be a disaster.
Any of the plecos - far too big for a 10 gallon, even the smaller types limit what else you can keep.

Hope that helps to give a few guidelines, 10 gallons are tricky to stock!


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
Visit site
A nice selection of male guppies would be nice, there is such a variety of them to choose from now. A couple of corys would be nice, but they do prefer a larger group than two, which would limit your space. A snail would be an interesting addition, I myself like the nerite snails, which are not known to breed in captivity (from anything I have read). Male guppies and a nerite or two would be quite colourful!


Large Fish
Apr 22, 2009
What about some white cloud mountain minnows???

they grow up to only about 1.5 inches.
They are nice, cheap, and really kool fish.

you just have to watch the temperature because they
need colder water than normal.

You could aslo add some Ottos and a couple of
neon tetras. Five or six tetras and two or three
ottos would be perfect.

The gouramies are also a nice choice.

You could even go for a Shrimp tank, maybe some
snowballs, red cherry, tigers, wild type, there are some
really nice types of shrimp out there.