10 gallon TNT


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
OK, I got this tank as a gift. I picked the most interesting fish I could find in the same variety. SA Cichlids. Now, I have done some research and found out I have America' Most Wanted list as tankmates. They are all very young.

Firemouth runs the tank. Bully.

Jack D suprisingly docile for its reputation.

The two convicts (and I don't have them pinned down on sex yet) are corner hiders. Timid, except they like to pick on each other. Usually broken up by the Firemouth chasing them off.

Jack D Eats as much as the other three combined and is growing noticeably.

Anyone got a plan for this community? Now that I am in touch with a forum and can make wiser decisions....

Can't promise I will heed all advice, but Any advice is very much appreciated!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hope you keep researching those fish on your own...none of them will be happy in a 10G for longer than a month or less. The JD will continue growing at that rate...I've heard numbers as big as 8 inches in a year! Those 4 fish will probably not be OK in any size tank together long term. If the convicts are m/f they'll probably breed and then you'll have your hands full. I wouldn't keep the pair in anything less than a 29. I dont know a lot about Firemouths. JD's, a 55 is about the minimum you want to keep them in.

SO in answer to your question...I hope YOU have a plan for this community ;) Welcome to MFT

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA

As a beginner, I stay away from them. A lot of them are too tempermental. If not, they require strict water conditions (like the dwarf ones). It's tempting but there's only so much you can do in a 10G.

Brandx: maybe you can return the juvies. I mean I pass by the juvie tiger oscars all the time in my lfs, but I know I can't have one.

Good luck.


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
Thanks much for the input, Any Ideas how long I would have before my tank becomes a war zone? Money is a little scarce, so I can't do anything drastic immediately, but I certainly want to keep my eyes out for somebody oh, leaving the country and wants to dump a big tank 55g for pennies on the retail dollar. Know of any?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
BRANDX said:
Now, I have done some research and found out I have America' Most Wanted list as tankmates.
Very glad that you know this already. :)

Most cichlid you'll find in the local stores are fine for people begining in the hobby. The only catch is that research has to be done just to make sure that you can provide them with the proper home and tank mates. They aren't like most community fish in that you can get a bunch of different ones and toss them into a tank and everything will be alright in the end. And agian, most of the cichlid's commonly found will do ok in most water as long as it isn't in one of the extreme's (either a really high pH and very hard water or a very low pH).

Out of the fish you already have, the convicts are the only ones that may be ok in the tank long term, and even then its not a great situation.

The firemouth will most likley continue it's dominace over the rest of the fish. This can and will cause undue stress of the others and will open the door for them to become sick.

The JD will quickly out grow that tank. A JD by itself isn't good to keep in a 10 gallon much less with other fish.

If you have a male and female convict and the breed then it's likley that they will kill, or try to kill every other fish in the tank protecting the eggs and fry.

For a 10 gallon tank there isn't a lot of new world cichlids that you can keep in it unless they are the dwarf species, and none of these that you have are dwarves.

However all is not lost for cichlids in a 10 gallon tank, but it would require you to take back all of these fish or find a new home for them. From the new world, rams and apistos would be a great option for a 10 gallon tank. There are also some great options of small cichlids from Africa as well. Several species of 'shell dweller' from Lake Tanganyika can do rather well in a 10 gallon, as well some riverine species of fish like Kribs. I think kribs are very good for people just getting into the hobby because they have some great color and are able to breed quite easily without much interaction from the owner. Kribs will work in a 10 gallon, but in such a small space you would find that most likely you will not be able to keep many if any other fish with them, and a 20 gallon or larger would really be better.

But unfortuneatly, your current fish aren't going to be able to live in that tank very long togeather.

EDIT- I would say you may have a as little as a few weeks to a month or so before things really start going bad in the tank. And this is just from a standpoint of aggression, not taking into account any water quality issues that you are going to run into. Besure to not miss any water changes and that's going to help with the water quality.

Metro areas are great because a lot of the time there are fish clubs around there. I know that the few around here there are always someone darn near giving away tanks 20-55 gallons a lot of the time. So I would check out any local places and see what you can come up with, and with summer comming up yard sales will be popping up and these are also great places to find used tanks dirt cheap.

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If you wanted to keep everything and keep everything together in a comminty type setting you need a 75gallon. This would house everyone happy enough.
Seperately, a 29 or 30 for the pair of cons, a 30 for the FM, a 40 for the JD. Alternatively, either a con and FM or con and JD in a 55. A pair of cons with a single anything is asking for trouble since they are nasty parents who will fiercely defend their fry.
FM's a a lot of bark and hardly any bite. They can be very pushy when they don't have their space.
JD's can be very aggressive in smaller tanks too. Despite their reputation for being so nasty they're quite shy. They only wish to have space for themselves for peace and quiet.
It can be done but plenty of space for each fish is required. :)


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
A little immediate help

Dinner with friends tonight, giving me a 15 gal. Same four fish. for the time being to minimize risk how would you split them? Oh, and I added my wife's tank to my signature. Wasn't going to bring it in to the forum but we just had a molly fry tonight! Tank is only a few days old, kind of a strange experience.
Anyway, Ideas on a 10g and 15g split for the cichlids?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Well you said the firemouth is kind of being a bully right? I'd probably seperate him out by himself. But again...I really dont think thats buying you much time. You're going to need to decide which fish you want to keep and get a larger tank to meet their needs.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ehh, i think once you remove the dominant fish another fish will step up to the plate.

I'd keep the 2 convicts in the 10gal and put the firemouth and JD in the 15gal. Realistically, i've kept and bred convicts in a 10gal before...so you really arn't rushing on time with them (if they become a pair), but the other fish you want to start looking at bigger tanks or something like store credit for them. Just make sure you keep up with water changes.

But like stated above you will either have to trade back some fish or get a larger tank when they get bigger.


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
Birthday party, today, with a friend who has a 75g he's selling moving up to a 110g! This guy is a pretty close friend and He will probably give me a really good deal. He know money's pretty tight. When that comes through (or IF) I will be asking for more allocation advice.
But, for this week...
Up 'til now Cichlid-Man has the only suggestion that I can actually do, with the fish I have. Short term, understandably. But, I believe if I keep forraging around a big tank (either already has, or soon) will turn up!*SUNSMILE*
Everybody else? takes on cichlid-man temporary idea?

PS. Thanks, everybody for chiming in. The thread really makes this a lot more fun.*thumbsups


Small Fish
May 7, 2006
St.Thomas, Ont
haha wait till that jack gets bigger when i have a 70gal he toke a cunck out of the back of my tiger oscar's tail litterally and the oscar was still bigger then him a 10 gallon is crazyness for that many agressive fish


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
JD is growing up

Yeah, yesterday I noticed the JD is not as peaceful with the two convicts. Still lets the firemouth push him around a bit but the firemouth seems a bit less aggressive with the JD than he used to be. I need to get that fifteen quick, like today!:eek:


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
Quick update...15g the danios just keep moving so much and so fast that the cichlids just don't seem to mess with them. (danios aren't cichlids, right?) but the little convict is not so little anymore and seems to be really roughing up the firemouth. Shame too, the firemouths colors are really coming in nicely. Can't decide which I would have to part with but probably for longevity the convict may have to be taken back.

straitjacket said:
If you wanted to keep everything and keep everything together in a comminty type setting you need a 75gallon. This would house everyone happy enough.
I wouldnt think a 75 would even be big enough :rolleyes: I dont know why your lfs sold you these for a 10g :mad: it's just rediculous! a 10g is small and as a newbie not very forgiving! less is more.... you'll need at least a 75g for the fish you got ... grr pet stores tick me off sometimes. in your 10g you're going to have to do a daily water change of like 30% and well you prob will find a few less fish at some point cuz well theyre going to get eaten.
check out the local paper for a used tank! then use the 10g for breeding mollies or something for the big ones to eat. *PEACE!*
good luck!;)